The Democrat Party has reached a pitch of insanity where they are so dedicated to their death cult of abortion and their radical LGBTQ deviancy that no amount of reality, in the form of unpopularity and election defeats, can seem to make them learn their lesson.
We all saw the stunningly bad optics of the Democrats sitting with sour faces, folded arms, and stupid little signs at Donald Trump’s address to Congress. They wouldn’t even applaud a child who survived brain cancer, or grieving families of murder victims. And their obvious disconnect from ordinary Americans continues, as we can see from a blasphemous Bernie Sanders rally and the Oregon governor’s new abortion holiday.
Democrats hate life and they hate innocence, which is why they are obsessed with killing babies and sexualizing any children who survive. In fact, leftism has become a sort of anti-fertility cult, where children are ritually sacrificed or prostituted out in service of their quasi-religious fanaticism.
Hence at the Democratic National Convention people were offered free abortions and vasectomies. And leftists lose their minds every time they are told they cannot hand homosexual porn to toddlers. If they cannot kill a person, they will try to ensure that he cannot reproduce either by castrating himself (transgenderism) or by having relations only with members of his own sex. And as a bonus, they get to exploit the youth they have brainwashed for their own pleasure. Death, death, and more death is their lust, their consuming desire.
For example, Gov. Tina Kotek (D-Lesbian) of Oregon declared that March 10 was in her state Abortion Provider Appreciation Day. How beautiful, to appoint a holiday for people who make money by tearing off unborn babies’ limbs, crushing their heads, and sucking out their brains.
[Governor’s Office:] According to Oregon Health Authority data, of the 10,075 abortions provided in Oregon in 2023, 1,661 were patients who reside out-of-state, reflecting a nearly 60% increase from the prior year. Providers present during today’s ceremony came from the Lilith Clinic, Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU), and Planned Parenthood affiliates across Oregon.
Kotek is also stocking up on abortion pills, which work by essentially starving babies to death. They are also very dangerous for women, and at least two women died from complications after taking abortion pills last year. Nor is Kotek an isolated example. Gov. Kathy Hochul of New York is currently protecting an abortionist who was involved in a horrific forced abortion in another state.
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Another part of the Democrat death cult is the effort to castrate youth under the guise of transgenderism and to sexualize children at a very young age. There were children in the audience of a Bernie Sanders rally when “transgender” rocker “Laura Jane Grace,” who has previously been asked to speak to kids about “gender” and sexuality, got up to sing incredibly blasphemous and sexualized lyrics about God. [Warning: explicit language.]
During the rally, Grace sang, “Does your God have a big fat d*ck? Because it feels like he is f*cking me!” He continued to indulge in the most vile fantasies in the lyrics, after which Bernie thanked him for his disgusting display. This is the sort of content that Democrats believe is appropriate for your children. It is no wonder Americans are increasingly rejecting the Democrat Party — it has reached a pitch of insanity and corruption that ordinary citizens cannot stomach.