
Dems’ Open Hatred of Free Speech Shows They Are Communists

AP Photo/Brynn Anderson

Democrats are increasingly open and shameless about their hatred of the First Amendment right to free speech. Ultimately, it comes down to this: they believe rights are given by government (not God and natural law) and therefore can and must be taken away by government. Plain and simple, they are Communists.

The late, great Archbishop Fulton Sheen once observed, “In a democracy man has rights which are God-given; under communism the rights are state-given and therefore they can be state-taken-away.” Now, America is not a democracy, but it is a democratic Republic — or at least, it used to be. But Democrats are unashamedly showing their true colors now, flaunting their Marxism. They wrongly and dangerously believe rights are state-given and therefore can and should be state-taken-away.

There are countless illustrations of this fact on the issue of free speech alone over the past few years, as the Biden-Harris administration has built up the censorship industrial complex. Remember earlier this year when MSNBC claimed that our rights as Americans come from Congress or the Supreme Court, not from God? That claim would have staggered the Founding Fathers. 

The Declaration of Independence affirms, “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed.”

But Communists — and the Democrat Party is certainly thoroughly Marxist now — do not believe in God or inviolable rights or government deriving power from the consent of the governed. The governed are to be told what to think and say and do, deriving their privileges from the consent of the governing elites. For example, let us look at recent statements from several prominent Democrats.

Tampon Tim Walz, COVID tyrant and Communist China devotee, asserted during the recent VP debate, in defense of unconstitutional censorship, “You can't yell fire in a crowded theater. That's the test. That's the Supreme Court test.” This is a lie. Journalist Michael Shellenberger clarified, “The expression refers to a 1919 Supreme Court opinion superseded by the 1969 Brandenberg v. Ohio decision.” In that same debate, Walz excused his own lies about when he visited China by saying he’s just a “knucklehead at times.” Walz previously and falsely claimed “there’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech.” Except when he’s the one providing the misinformation, apparently.

Not only does Walz, the Democrat VP wannabe, justify illegal censorship with a false standard, but his running mate Cackling Kamala Harris has repeatedly demanded censorship of Donald Trump. These are people who plan to run — or ruin — our country.

Hillary Clinton, the White House Witch, sneered on CNN, “if [platforms] don’t moderate and monitor the content, we lose total control.” Oh, the horror! Imagine Americans having the ability to speak opinions and share facts that the government does not agree with, as the First Amendment framers intended!! And, as we know, Hillary never lies. Well, never more than a few dozen times a day, including while giving congressional testimony.

John Kerry, former climate envoy and professional climate liar, pontificated even more explicitly at a recent World Economic Forum event, “our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to just, you know, hammer [speech] out of existence.” It’s so sad when people can contradict unscientific climate propaganda online, isn’t it? Poor little John. It is as stressful for him as when he won all those military medals he didn’t throw over the Capitol fence. We are just supposed to fund these politicians’ salaries and projects and thank them for the privilege.

Related: Kerry’s Anti-Free Speech, Pro-Globalist Rhetoric Is Emblematic of Democrats

Rep. Adam Shifty Schiff (D-CA), of corrupt J6 committee fame, and seven other Democrat congressmen (including Raul Grijalva and Hank Johnson) hysterically demanded increased election-interfering censorship in general and silencing of Trump in particular in a Sept. 30 letter. Schiff doctored evidence for the Jan. 6 committee and promoted the Russia collusion hoax, but he and his fellow Marxists feel thoroughly justified in telling you and me what we are allowed to say online. Stalin would be so proud.

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It is no mistake that the Democrat leadership now admires the Communist Chinese model and has corrupt financial ties to China (like Joe Biden). These Democrats are Communists who intend to inform you that your sacred rights are state-given and thus will be state-taken-away.


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