
Is America Under Biden Becoming Communist China?

Doug Mills/The New York Times via AP, Pool

After the corrupt and politically biased Trump trial ended with a guilty verdict, much to the glee of the few remaining Biden supporters, we have to ask: is the Biden administration turning America into the dystopian nightmare of Communist China?

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) crushes free speech online, punishes or arrests individuals who protest publicly against the government, and hounds Chinese political dissidents not only domestically but around the world. But then again, all of those statements could now apply to the U.S. federal government under Biden and his handlers. The CCP has indeed infiltrated our government and bought off many of our politicians, including Joe Biden. And it seems, scarily, to be transforming America — once the world’s bastion of freedom — into a mini-China.

Lily Tang Williams, a Republican congressional candidate in New Hampshire who escaped China to start a new life in America, also sees the Trump verdict as raising a red flag — namely, the flag of Communist China. She posted on X, “The CCP is Relieved That Our Justice System Is Just Like Theirs.”

She continued, “Today's verdict in Trump's case is an absolute disgrace. From the very beginning, this entire witch hunt has reminded me of the sham trials and political persecution I saw in the People's Republic of China before I fled to America.” That is a terrifying statement, considering that the CCP runs what is arguably the worst and deadliest dictatorship in world history.

“The Manhattan District Attorney's weaponization of the legal system is a move straight out of the CCP's playbook. It is a farce and is completely un-American,” Williams added. “Today, the CCP and other hostile countries are laughing at us and will plan accordingly to take advantages of weak and corrupt Biden regime. I stand with President Trump and will do everything I can to make sure he wins New Hampshire in November. The future of our country is at stake.”

There is evidence that Joe Biden and his family have been receiving laundered Chinese money for years. Furthermore, both Biden and his administration’s officials have consistently pandered to the CCP.

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Anthony Shaffer, previously a CIA-trained intelligence officer and Donald Trump campaign national security advisor, said last year that “institutions of the United States government, to include the White House, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, were paid millions of dollars to essentially defer to China. I think that’s why we have such weak responses from the Biden White House, because they’ve been bought. I’m just saying it.” 

There are illicit CCP police stations in America, Chinese illegal aliens pouring across the southern border, and massive Chinese funding going to politicians of both parties. The Biden administration even jailed a prominent Chinese dissident, Miles Guo!

Is the CCP takeover of America already well on its way to accomplishment? How much has the United States under Biden become infected by the same cancer that's killing China, namely, the CCP? Is the Trump guilty verdict a sign that America is now little better than its tyrannical enemies? We can only pray that the 2024 election will put anti-CCP Trump in the White House again and stop the Communization of America.


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