Exclusive: Why Chinese Dissident Miles Guo Was Denied Bail as CCP Police Plants Roam Free

(AP Photo/Andy Wong, File)

According to a spokesman for the New Federal State of China (NFSC), an anti-Chinese Communist Party (CCP) organization, Miles Guo has been identified as “Victim No. 1” in the case of two New York residents arrested for running an illicit CCP police station to target Chinese dissidents. Miles Guo (aka Wengui or Miles Kwok) is a Chinese dissident and co-founder of the NFSC with former Trump advisor Steve Bannon.


A spokesman for the group told PJ Media that “while two CCP agents in New York are bailed out the same day they are arrested, Mr. Miles Guo is denied bail despite being named ‘Victim No.1’ in the New York CCP police station bust.”

Indeed, while the two suspects accused of running a secret police station in Manhattan’s Chinatown neighborhood were almost immediately released on bail, Guo was denied bail last week after his arrest for fraud on a twelve-count indictment by the FBI, U.S. attorneys, and the Justice Department (DOJ).

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The New Federal State of China was founded in 2020 to take down the CCP. In an exclusive comment, the NFSC spokesman, who did not wish to be named, slammed the seeming hypocrisy of giving accused CCP agents more privileges than Miles Guo, who was denied bail last week in his $1 billion fraud case.

“According to this indictment unsealed in EDNY [Eastern District of New York], the CCP has a ‘912 Task Force’ at its Ministry of State Security, which oversees the CCP’s foreign espionage efforts to persecute Chinese dissidents like Mr. Guo,” the NFSC told PJ Media, claiming this task force specifically targets Guo. “The 912 Task Force, the CIA equivalent of the CCP, is named after Mr. Miles Guo—912 stands for September 12, 2017, the day Mr. Guo filed for political asylum in the U.S. The CCP and its 912 Task Force have had a standing order to deport Mr. Guo by means of infiltrating and weaponizing the U.S. justice system to effect Mr. Guo’s arrest or capture since at least 2018.”


The indictment cites various efforts of the 912 Project, including propaganda that is relating to COVID-19’s origins, the George Floyd-fueled protests, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and the founding of America. The members of the 912 Project task force, according to the indictment, are mainly from the First, Fifth, and Eleventh Bureaus of the CCP’s Ministry of Public Security (MPS). The First Bureau is described as the CCP’s “secret police,” concerned with the “suppression and censorship of political dissent” and other perceived threats to the CCP. The Fifth Bureau is a criminal investigations Bureau, and the Eleventh Bureau deals with the internet. The defendants are part of the MPS group. According to the DOJ press release on their initial arrest, Lu Jianwang and Chen Jinping, the individuals released on bail, worked for the MPS.

The NFSC also said that in 2017, George Higginbotham, a senior DOJ attorney, was paid $41 million by the CCP “to visit the Chinese embassy in Washington, D.C., and to travel to China to meet with the vice minister of Public Security of China—all in the advancement of Mr. Guo’s removal to China.” The NFSC spokesman listed several “co-conspirators”: Pras Michel, Elliott Broidy, and Steve Wynn. “In each of their respective criminal prosecutions, where they are accused of illegally acting as an agent of the CCP to remove Mr. Guo, they are all allowed on bail or released on personal recognizance,” he explained.


Certainly, the Biden administration has consistently taken a weak stance on the CCP. After banning TikTok from federal devices, the Biden White House recruited TikTok stars to push pro-Biden messages online in what MRC’s Dan Schneider called a relaunch of the “Biden in the Basement” campaign. Yet TikTok is owned by ByteDance, where the CCP has a board seat and a financial stake. As such, ByteDance is required to share data with the CCP. The Biden administration also attempted to sell strategic oil reserves to China while Americans suffered from increasing gas prices. Biden was even caught on video wearing what looked like a costume of the late CCP dictator Mao Zedong.

CCP agents actively subverting American society and government are out on bail while Guo, an anti-CCP dissident, languishes in jail. “Yet when it comes to Mr. Guo—the victim of both the 2017 Higginbotham scandal and the NY CCP Police Station—the DOJ is refusing to let Mr. Guo out on bail despite him having no flight risk and presenting no danger to the community,” the NFSC spokesman said. “This is all in addition to the bogus fraud charges against Mr. Guo, where no victim can be identified and all investors’ funds are seized by the government.” Guo’s penthouse also mysteriously caught fire while the FBI was raiding it.

According to the NFSC, the CCP has infiltrated the U.S. justice system. It’s a similar claim to that made in March by former intelligence officer and Trump advisor Anthony Shaffer, who said U.S. government institutions have been infiltrated by the CCP and that Joe Biden and family have been “paid millions of dollars to essentially defer to China.” Newsmax and Fox News reported that one of the CCP plants who ran the New York police station was photographed meeting with Democrat NYC Mayor Eric Adams and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.).


The NFSC spokesman added, “The CCP and its 912 task force have successfully infiltrated and weaponized the U.S. justice system to target Mr. Guo because they are afraid of the truth that Mr. Guo has been exposing since 2017: that the Chinese Communist Party is the root cause of all global disasters, including the CCP virus, and must be completely dismantled.”


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