(Continued from Pt. I, Pt. II)
As here we sit, gun to our heads, on the precipice of another pandemic with all the fixings — lockdowns, forced masking, “vaccines” that aren’t actually vaccines — the question must be asked: where is President Trump on this?
He needs to get out ahead of the narrative because, if he remains silent, the powers that be will hand him a brand new pandemic and he’ll get lambasted with blame for killing grandmothers or whatever, just like he did last time.
Related: Help Get This Simple Fauci Prosecution Playbook to Trump, Please
Let’s have a look-see at the corporate state media propaganda waterfront.
Here we have renowned bioterrorist Leana Wen — one of the chief terror porn purveyors during COVID-19 — leaning publicly on the Brandon regime, in its last days, to roll out mass testing as well as to approve for public use the mRNA bird flu “vaccines” that are sitting on the shelf in some government warehouse as we speak.
A quick refresher on Leana Wen’s COVID pseudoscience:A look back at Dr. Leana Wen’s “expert” advice on COVID over the years pic.twitter.com/XsJVsqJ94N
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) December 30, 2024
Related: HHS Set to Roll Out Bird Flu Vaxes by the Millions
As I have covered in detail previously for PJ Media, PCR testing — used for COVID and now for bird flu — is 100% a scam that was never employed to test for viruses before COVID came on the scene because it’s inaccurate junk. The reason it’s become the test of choice is because the cycle count can be jacked so high that it will return as many false positives as The Science™ wants to find.
Echoing eerily similar, if not exactly the same, talking points, we have the return of the Scarf Lady, Dr. Birx, also appearing on the corporate state media circuit over the last few days to push the propaganda.
Both of these creatures debuted the latest talking point regarding the inevitable jump of bird flu to humans to trigger human-to-human transmission: “virus reassortment.”Via PLOS One (emphasis added):
Virus reassortment, or simply reassortment, is a process of genetic recombination that is exclusive to segmented RNA viruses in which co-infection of a host cell with multiple viruses may result in the shuffling of gene segments to generate progeny viruses with novel genome combinations. Reassortment has been observed in members of all segmented virus families, including, for example, Bluetongue virus, but reassortment is most prominently described for influenza viruses as a primary mechanism for interspecies transmission and the emergence of pandemic virus strains. For instance, reassortment accelerates the rate of acquisition of genetic markers that overcome adaptive host barriers faster than the slower process of incremental increase due to mutation alone. The emergence of new influenza genes in humans and their subsequent establishment to cause pandemics have been consistently linked with reassortment of novel and previously circulating viruses.
As you might expect, reassortment can be achieved relatively easily in lab settings — and, in fact, is not theoretical but has been proven possible in practice.
Via ScienceDirect (emphasis added):
Of particular interest and concern are reassortant viruses with increased pathogenicity compared to their parental viruses. In addition to the naturally occurring reassortant orthobunyaviruses, laboratory derived reassortant viruses have been generated between viruses in the California serogroup.
So, here’s my prediction, which is glaringly obvious: through whatever means, bird flu will be engineered through gain-of-function — if it hasn’t been already and is all ready to go after the chess pieces are all in place — to enable human-to-human transmission. The Science™ will pin it on naturally occurring “viral reassortment,” and anybody who challenges that assertion will be smeared as a “conspiracy theorist.”