Apparently, my parents were criminals. Yours probably were too. In my day, I would hop on my bike (without a helmet) and ride off into the neighborhood with no guidance beyond “be home when the street lights come on.”
Fast-forward 25 years. A mom in Houston was arrested last week after taking her two young children to a mall food court where she interviewed for a job. KHOU reports:
Browder sat her children down inside the food court near a McDonald’s and went to her interview, she said. The interview wasn’t for a job at the mall, but the food court was a meeting ground for each party.
Browder said she wasn’t more than 30 feet away from her children at any point and they were always in her line of sight. After Browder returned to her children, a police officer was on scene and arrested her.
The charge was “child abandonment.” How can you abandon your children when they remain in sight?
If this lady deserves to be arrested, I guess all my neighbors do too. Their children play in the street without any supervision at all, another thing I used to do when I was young. We’re all criminals now.
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