Welcome to Insanity Wrap, your weekly dose of the best of the worst. Neil Young’s one-man war against Joe Rogan and Spotify is the new Big Crazy… Horse.
- Forget the bronies, here come the mermen
- Video: Joe Biden says he’d fire Joe Biden
- Poll shows most Americans are so over celebrity medical spokesmodel Anthony “Doctor” Fauci
Before we get to today’s big story, here’s a short video to make you lose whatever little faith you might still have in humanity.
This Is Not a Sane World, Exhibit #1,000,006
I saw it so you have to pic.twitter.com/gWSSJjYvyN
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) January 25, 2022
If you ever wondered why the military has such trouble meeting recruitment levels and standards, well, now you know.
Neil Young vs Joe Rogan: The Needle and the Damage Done
Neil Young gives Spotify an ultimatum: Drop Joe Rogan over COVID misinformation or lose my music
In an open letter to the world’s biggest music streaming service, Young wrote, “I want you to let Spotify know immediately TODAY that I want all my music off their platform. They can have Rogan or Young. Not both.”
“I am doing this,” Young claimed without specifics, “because Spotify is spreading fake information about vaccines—potentially causing death to those who believe the disinformation being spread by them.”
Young posted the letter on his website, but it has since been removed. CNBC noted, rather dryly, that “Young’s music is still available on Spotify.”
Insanity Wrap must address Neil Young directly.
Neil, Insanity Wrap loves some of your music and we appreciate your love of guns.
On this one, though, you’re nuts. And we don’t just mean your silence-all-critics, panic-porn stance on COVID.
Look, buddy, your best-known song came out the year after Insanity Wrap was born, and we’re entering our mid-50s in a couple of months.
Your last hit came out when George Bush was president — the first President Bush.
Meanwhile, Joe Rogan reaches more than twice as many people each day as FOX News, CNN, and MSNBC do in primetime … combined. Rogan’s show has more listeners than Tucker, The Five, and Hannity have viewers … again, that’s combined.
Neil, your Spotify listenership isn’t even peanuts compared to that.
Spotify paid Rogan $100 million for a multi-year deal. Do you even earn one million a year from Spotify?
We get it: You’re taking a principled stand, or so you think, and it isn’t about the money. But you haven’t sounded this whiny since you recorded “Helpless” with CSN&Y.
Maybe it’s just about getting noticed again?
There comes a time at this stage in your career to ask yourself this question: How many people will really take note if “Southern Man” stops popping up on Spotify’s classic rock playlists?
You aren’t rocking in the free world, Neil — you’re tilting against the biggest windmill in podcasting.
Recommended: Joe Biden: A Failing and Flailing President
Presented for Your Consideration
— NautPoso 🇮🇪🚀 (@NautPoso) January 25, 2022
It’s really bad when Joe Biden can’t even live up to the expectations of Joe Biden.
It’s such a low bar to clear, like a toothpick suspended on top of a couple of thimbles, yet Flailing Joe can’t manage even that.
And Now for a Brief Moment of Sanity

Majority says it’s time for Fauci to be removed
Celebrity medical spokesmodel Anthony “Doctor” Fauci no longer enjoys the clout he once did with the American public.
A poll released Monday shows that 76.6% of surveyed Republican voters want Fauci to quit and an impressive 58.9 percent of independent voters feel the same way.
Only 17.5% of Democrats surveyed want Fauci gone because, honestly, after the last year, what else do they have left to cling to?
However, the diminutive bureaucrat told CNBC on Monday, “There’s no chance I’m going to walk away from this. This is something that’s too important.”
Insanity Wrap would advise the next Republican congress to close and defund Fauci’s office — just to make sure we never see another like him — and strip him of his overly-generous pension for good measure.
The Craziest Person in the World (This Week)
On the left, a talking points memo the Biden admin sent the Hill 2 weeks ago. It urges Dems to vote against @SenTedCruz Nord Stream 2 sanctions as a way to deter Putin from invading Ukraine.
On the right, Biden admin telling reporters Putin can't be deterred from invading.
Oh. pic.twitter.com/2gPUHKTDBj
— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) January 25, 2022
What would Biden be doing differently if he were Putin’s stooge?
Your Weekly Dose of Mandated Unity

Qatar Can’t Help Europe Much If Russian Gas Is Interrupted
There’s another supply-chain disruption brewing:
Qatar wouldn’t be able to significantly ramp up supplies of natural gas to Europe in the event of any disruption to Russian flows, according to three people familiar with the situation.
U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration has spoken to major gas producers, including Qatar, about the possibility of getting more shipments sent to Europe in case a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine interrupts flows.
Meanwhile, U.S. natural gas production hasn’t quite come back up to pre-lockdown levels, despite the incentive of prices that are much higher than they were before the lockdowns.
With the ability to cause major energy supply disruptions, Putin has Western Europe by the short hairs.
What he really wants is a political solution in Ukraine favorable to Russia’s territorial interests — and to come back for more in a couple of years, the next time energy prices are up.
Insanity Wrap’s advice: Go long on blankets.
Previously On Insanity Wrap: Ivermectin Doctor Suspended, Forced to See Shrink
One More Thing…
Insanity Wrap is way out ahead of you on that one, Peppermint Psaki.
That’s a Wrap for today.
Come back next week for another Insanity Wrap …
… assuming we make it that long.
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