Welcome to Insanity Wrap, your daily dose of the best of the worst. The flippin’ gigantic Biden Mexico deal is today’s big crazy.
- Karen explains racism to self-made black man
- Lefties gaslighting crime wave away
- JAMA concludes masks are basically child abuse
Before we get to today’s big story, here’s a short video to make you lose whatever little faith you might still have in humanity.
This Is Not a Sane World, Exhibit #1,000,006
This lady is mental! Her videos get worse and worse by the day pic.twitter.com/v3jq79Ljsh
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) June 30, 2021
Insanity Wrap is certain that the black man who worked his way up from nothing is very interested in hearing the progressive white woman tell him what his life is actually like.
Also, we drink.
‘Flippin Gigantic’ Biden Mexico Deal Revealed

Joe Biden entertained Hunter’s Mexican billionaire business associates in the vice president’s office in 2014 and even flew with his son to Mexico City on Air Force 2 so Hunter could attend meetings over a ‘flippin gigantic’ deal
Remember just a few short years ago, when the Left’s panties were more twisted than a sheepshank knot made out of Twizzlers because then-president Donald Trump’s hotels might make a few bucks off of foreign potentates?
How very quaint. How barely lucrative. If you want to be a real crook in politics, you’ve got to think big.
And it helps to be a well-connected Democrat.
In addition to billion-dollar Biden Inc. deals with wholesome family enterprises like Burisma and the Chinese Communist Party, we now have the Biden Mexico deal, courtesy of that laptop Hunter abandoned at a repair shop while in a drug stupor:
Joe Biden entertained his son’s business associates in the vice president’s office, including Mexican billionaires Carlos Slim and Miguel Alemán Velasco.
The then-vice president also flew Hunter and his partner Jeff Cooper on Air Force 2 to Mexico City in 2016 where Hunter arranged to meet Alemán’s son for meetings over a ‘flippin gigantic’ business deal.
The Daily Mail says this “calls in to question” Biden père’s claim that “he never spoke about business with Hunter” and also “whether he was involved in facilitating them himself while vice president.”
Ya think?
Hunter wrote to a White House photographer in 2014, “Do you have pictures from the lunch I had in dad’s office (I think on 2/26) with Miguel Alleman Sr. And Jr. And Jeff Cooper? If so let me know and I can send someone to pick them up.”
They kept the discussion — held right there in the veep’s office — to personal things like favorite ice cream flavors and brain surgeons, we’re sure.
Insanity Wrap would remind you that when the deal went down in 2014, Carlos Slim was also the largest shareholder in The New York Times.
The Biden Mexico deal was shadier than a shade tree under an umbrella during a thunderstorm:
Hunter and Biden family friend Jeff Cooper hatched a plan in 2013 to invest in multiple businesses in Mexico and Latin America, using their relationship with the Mexican billionaire Alemán family whose late patriarch, Miguel Alemán Valdes, served as president of Mexico.
Cooper, an attorney who worked with Hunter’s late brother Beau Biden on asbestos claims cases and donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to Biden political campaigns, was particularly excited by the venture’s prospects, writing to Hunter in February 2013: ‘This is setting up to be flippin gigantic brother.’
Insanity Wrap understands we’re not supposed to say anything negative about the sainted Beau Biden because he died an awful and early death, but let’s face it: It sure looks like that man was as deep into the whole Biden, Inc. corruption stink as Slow Joe or Baby Daddy Hunter ever were.
While Hunter and Cooper were working on their business plans, they managed to get the billionaires Slim, Velasco and Magnani a private ‘meeting’ with then-vice president Joe Biden.
How many foreign emoluments is that for Biden Inc., anyway?
It might be that mathematicians have yet to invent numbers that big.
Forget the sound of crickets chirping because you won’t even hear the Left’s crickets shrugging over the Biden Mexico deal.
Previously On Insanity Wrap: Desperate De Blasio Performs the Triple-Lindy of Flip-Flops
Here’s Another Damn Thing We Have to Be Concerned About
Tell me you’re an idiot without telling me you’re an idiot. pic.twitter.com/4gy8CD7zH4
— Ian Miles Cheong @ stillgray.substack.com (@stillgray) July 1, 2021
Would it be rude and dismissive if Insanity Wrap were to ask, “What’s the current trendline, sweetie?”
Because we were totally aiming for rude and dismissive.
The Left’s gaslighting, it never stops.
Your Daily Dose of Mostly Peaceful Protest
Quick, somebody call a social worker!
Previously On Insanity Wrap: Black Mom Killed by Stray Bullet… Where’s the Outrage?
The Craziest Person in the World (Today)

Gender-neutral option added to Wisconsin birth certificates
We’re saved… or something.
Parents will have new, gender-neutral options for identifying themselves on a child’s birth certificate in Wisconsin starting July 1, Governor Tony Evers and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services announced Monday.
Starting July 1, birth forms will also begin using “parent giving birth” as opposed to the term mother. This is a move backed by the Biden administration, who also prefers the term “birthing person” to mother.
Insanity Wrap just heard a couple of imaginary conversations in our head (the first Bloody Mary is kicking in) and we just have to share them with you.
Here’s the first one.
Random Stranger: What a beautiful baby! Boy or girl?
New Parent: A baby girl, thank you so much. I thought I wanted a boy, but then I saw just how perfect she is.
Now the second one.
Random Stranger: What a beautiful baby! Boy or girl?
The second example is supposed to represent our future, and now you know why Insanity Wrap is making that second Bloody a double.
And Now For a Brief Moment of Sanity

Experimental Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Content in Inhaled Air With or Without Face Masks in Healthy Children
From a peer-reviewed article just published by JAMA Pediatrics:
Many governments have made nose and mouth covering or face masks compulsory for schoolchildren. The evidence base for this is weak. The question whether nose and mouth covering increases carbon dioxide in inhaled air is crucial. A large-scale survey in Germany of adverse effects in parents and children using data of 25,930 children has shown that 68% of the participating children had problems when wearing nose and mouth coverings.
The normal content of carbon dioxide in the open is about 0.04% by volume (ie, 400 ppm). A level of 0.2% by volume or 2000 ppm is the limit for closed rooms according to the German Federal Environmental Office, and everything beyond this level is unacceptable.
It’s official: Masks are child abuse.
One More Thing…

That’s a Wrap for today.
Come back tomorrow for another Insanity Wrap…
…assuming we make it that long.
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