Welcome to Insanity Wrap, your daily dose of the best of the worst. New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio’s promise to “flood the zone with police” is today’s big crazy.
- Beijing memory-holes Apple Daily’s archives
- Armed robbers held up news crew as it interviewed Oakland’s chief of violence prevention
- Trump goes looking for Carmen Sandiego
Before we get to today’s big story, here’s a short video to make you lose whatever little faith you might still have in humanity.
This Is Not a Sane World, Exhibit #1,000,006
What did I just watch 😨 pic.twitter.com/NaQ85cZajv
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) June 28, 2021
Yet more evidence that progressivism is a mental disorder.
What’s that? You didn’t need any more evidence?
Sorry, but if Insanity Wrap has to watch half a dozen or more of these things each day, then you get to suffer through one.
Be thankful for the ones we didn’t run!
De Blasio and Times Square Violence: Flood the Zone with Police

Mayor Bill de Blasio says: “We are going to flood the zone in Times Square with additional officers.”
Now, this is interesting but maybe not for the obvious reason.
Everybody — we’re certain it isn’t just Insanity Wrap — loves catching a politician flip-flopping on a signature issue.
That’s because, by and large, politicians are terrible people who need their noses rubbed in their own terribleness. Otherwise, they’ll never learn — if then.
De Blasio just performed the Triple Lindy of flip-flops, after what PJ Media’s own Victoria Taft described on Monday as a “free-fire zone” on Times Square.
After a career spent denigrating and defunding the police, De Blasio now says he’ll “flood the zone in Times Square” with police.
Assuming there are enough left still wearing the NYPD badge, that is.
If Insanity Wrap were NYPD, in the spirit of all things NYC, we might give De Blasio the single-finger salute, along with a hearty, “Go flood your own zone, pal.”
But why should De Blasio, term-limited out of office next year, give a damn about another shooting on Times Square, or junkies and hookers taking over another public park, or even somebody absconding with the Chrysler Building?
That’s where it gets interesting.
Yesterday, Insanity Wrap reported to you that progressives are in “panic mode” over the New York City mayoral race, and their inability to win over “voters of color.”
The leading Democrat in that party’s complicated primary race is Eric Adams, running on a law-and-order platform. He’s a retired police captain, and while he’s nobody’s idea of a conservative, Adams appears to be trouncing a field of De Blasio wannabes (plus carpetbagger Andrew Yang).
Progressives were hoping to install one of their own — again — in Gracie Mansion. But after eight years of progressive misrule by De Blasio, New Yorkers seem to have had enough.
It looks to Insanity Wrap like De Blasio, faithful Party man that he is, is effectively using the city’s police to undercut Adams in the next round of the Democratic primary.
Will it work?
Stay tuned.
Previously On Insanity Wrap: Ayn Rand Was Right About the Left (Again)
The Craziest Person in the World (Today)
I am at the Hong Kong Central Library doing research for a project on the newspaper archive floor & have been told Apple Daily archive searches have now been suspended. This started a few days ago
— Andrea Lo 盧敏敏 (@andreas_lo) June 29, 2021
Today’s craziest person is anyone who doesn’t think Beijing uses 1984 as its instruction manual, with a side of high-tech trickery borrowed from Brave New World.
As you read today’s Insanity Wrap, Beijing is busily memory-holing the archives of Apple Daily, Hong Kong’s last — and recently shuttered — free-speech newspaper.
Beijing won’t erase memories of Hong Kong as a former Crown Colony of Great Britain. Those memories are useful for whipping up nationalist fervor against white foreign devils.
But they will erase — are erasing — memories of Hong Kong’s distinct character as home to the most innovative and liberty-loving Chinese anywhere on the mainland.
Reality Beyond Parody
Armed robbers held up news crew as it interviewed Oakland’s chief of violence prevention
You can’t make this stuff up, and in Late Roman/Mid-Weimar America, you don’t have to:
Two armed robbers held up a television news crew that was interviewing Oakland’s director of violence prevention outside City Hall on Monday afternoon, just hours after the police chief warned of worsening crime amid cuts to the police budget.
Even the clever folks at the Babylon Bee would give themselves aneurysms trying to parody this story, so let’s just move right along to the next item, shall we?
Your Daily Dose of Mostly Peaceful Protest
Big Tech is not nonpartisan nor neutral. Being permanently suspended from @SoundCloud without knowing why or even having an opportunity to appeal is how it is now.
Join me on @OnLocals instead to support me & get access to exclusive content: https://t.co/ohiKF2NOs7
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 28, 2021
Andy Ngo is the only journalist with a national following doing any honest reporting on BLM/Antifa.
He’s been kicked off of SoundCloud for truth-telling.
Do yourself a favor and follow him to his new home.
Previously On Insanity Wrap: The Left Is in Panic Mode Over Losing Voters of Color
And Now For a Brief Moment of Sanity
Heineken BOT is an autonomous beer cooler that follows you around
Insanity Wrap might not be a Heineken drinker, but we know what we like: Convenience.
We’ll take one.
Better make that two.
Or should we wait for the all-terrain version so we can take it camping?
Trump goes looking for Carmen Sandiego
TRUMP LOOKING FOR CARMEN SAN DIEGO! #Trump #WhereInTheWorldIsCarmenSanDiego #MAGA #CarmenSanDiego #AmericaFirst #STAYLOUD #LOUDMAJORITY #USA pic.twitter.com/doVdPtm9oW
— Shawn Farash ❌🐻 (@Shawn_Farash) June 29, 2021
Shawn Farash is a national treasure.
One More Thing…

That’s a Wrap for today.
Come back tomorrow for another Insanity Wrap…
…assuming we make it that long.
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