Welcome to Insanity Wrap, your daily dose of the best of the worst. That Ayn Rand was right about the Left — again — is today’s big crazy.
Or should that be “sane”?
- Race doesn’t matter to the progressives, but not in the good way
- Trump knows what Democrats would do for a Klondike Bar
- Netflix dating show jumps the shark… and the panda, and the bull, and some weird lizard thing…
Before we get to today’s big story, here’s a short video to make you lose whatever little faith you might still have in humanity.
This Is Not a Sane World, Exhibit #1,000,006
We need to stop women until we can figure out what exactly is going on pic.twitter.com/ieOyExznpx
— James (@MKUltraMoney) June 22, 2021
People pay to watch this kind of thing, but Insanity Wrap shares it with you, gentle reader, for free!
And for that, we are deeply sorry.
Ayn Rand Was Right About the Left

University demands people stop saying ‘trigger warning’ because it’s too triggering
You might have already seen Tyler O’Neil’s article earlier this week that Brandeis University — that fever swamp of woke silliness — has put a trigger warning on the use of “trigger warning.”
“Killing it” is also doubleplusungood wrongthink because “if someone is doing well, we don’t need to equate that to murder!”
With no ugly words, there are no ugly thoughts, comrades.
Insanity Wrap only brings up the story again because we wanted to remind you that Ayn Rand called this one almost 65 years ago in Atlas Shrugged.
Industrialist Hank Rearden was stuck by the government with a muddle-headed college grad with a worthless degree to “help” him run his steel mill.
Early on in their government-mandated business relationship, “Wet Nurse” Tony earnestly parroted to Rearden what he’d been taught in college, that “Words are relative. They’re only symbols.”
“If we don’t use ugly symbols, we won’t have any ugliness,” Wet Nurse really believed.
Rand described him this way:
The boy had no inkling of any concept of morality; it had been bred out of him by his college; this had left him an odd frankness, naïve and cynical at once, like the innocence of a savage.
Tony was a work of fiction — if only we could say the same of Brandeis.
What was a tragi-comic warning in 1957 is the norm today on most college campuses.
It’s been a long time since Insanity Wrap has taken Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism, with anything other than a huge grain of salt. At least on a personal level, Objectivism is so strict, so unforgiving, that Rand would have had Torquemada telling her, “Listen, lady, you’ve got to cut people some slack!”
But Rand was — and remains, decades after her death — a bitterly prescient critic of Leftism.
Previously On Insanity Wrap: Oregon Learning Lockdown: Lawmakers Say ‘You Don’t Need No Education’
Your Daily Dose of Mostly Peaceful Protest
Scenes of violence in NE Portland as antifa & far-left rioters gathered to disrupt police investigating a shooting crime scene. Antifa falsely claimed the person shot by an officer is POC. pic.twitter.com/iNMsTW55C3
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 25, 2021
The man who was shot is white. The officer who shot him is black.
Not that it matters to people who aren’t Marxist agitators what races were involved, so long as the shooting was justified.
But the dead guy’s race doesn’t matter to the progs, who will tell any lie to further their noble cause of inciting violence.
Your Daily Dose of Mandated Unity

Biden Doesn’t Have an Answer to America’s Crime Spike
David Graham writes for The Atlantic this week “Biden knows he needs to appear to be doing something about crime,” even though “the president has few levers to affect crime quickly, and faces political hazards in every direction.”
A recent poll conducted by Leger in collaboration with The Atlantic finds that six in 10 Americans view crime in the country as a major issue. The problem, for Biden, is that there’s simply not much the federal government can do: The fastest initiatives seem unlikely to have much effect, while others have more potential but are unlikely to come to fruition soon. Law enforcement in the United States is largely conducted on the local and state levels, with a limited federal role.
Yes and no.
The federal government is not and should not be any more involved in state or local law enforcement than it already is.
“Less of all of it” would be Insanity Wrap’s recommendation to Washington in general and to Presidentish Biden in particular.
But Biden is a Democrat, and so is every mayor and city council of literally every city suffering from the BLM/Antifa/DefundThePolice-inspired crime wave.
While there’s little Biden could do as president, as party leader, he could certainly do much — especially provide political cover to those mayors and city councils by fully denouncing BLM/Antifa/DefundThePolice and their aims.
If President Porchlight were to do that, and if those Blue cities took advantage of the political cover provided, then Insanity Wrap wagers we’d see a turnaround on crime like that.
But we’d wager even bigger that Biden won’t and the leadership of those cities wouldn’t.
Insanity Wrap would like to finish this item with a quick reminder that, as Glenn Reynolds has pointed out many times, progressives only complain that the country is ungovernable when Democrats are in charge of it.
And when you think about it, that’s probably closer to the truth than they dare admit.
Previously On Insanity Wrap: China Lied About COVID Again: Outbreak Might Have Begun Months Earlier
The Craziest Person in the World (Today)
Come along now…don't get distracted by the reporters… pic.twitter.com/MlaLU9XiFF
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) June 25, 2021
“The constant need to redirect the President using physical cues to encourage him is concerning,” as PJ’s own Stacey Lennox noted in our Slack channel this morning.
Also concerning is that the Presidentish isn’t allowed to speak with whom he wants.
Most Powerful Man in the World™, ladies and gentlemen.
We Got Nothin’
New Netflix dating show to feature people wearing animal prosthetics
When Insanity Wrap saw this, like so many things, it made us think yet again of decadent Imperial Rome.
Caligula was said — perhaps unfairly — to have dated his sister and appointed his horse to the Senate.
But at least he never dressed as a horse while dating his sister.
So far as we know.
Trump Explains What Democrats Would Do for a Klondike Bar
Trump talks KLONDIKE BAR!#Trump #klondikebar #IceCream #MAGA #WhatWouldYouDo #USA #AmericaFirst #STAYLOUD #LOUDMAJORITY pic.twitter.com/vFg4zgklEl
— Shawn Farash ❌🐻 (@Shawn_Farash) June 25, 2021
Insanity Wrap will continue sharing Shawn’s videos for as long as he’ll keep making them.
Please let that be a very long time.
One More Thing…

That’s a Wrap for today.
Come back Monday for another Insanity Wrap…
…assuming we make it that long.
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