Insanity Wrap needs to know: Who’s in charge of Presidentish Joe Biden’s White House?
Answer: We’d really like to know because it sure as hell isn’t Joe.
Before we get to the sordid details, a quick preview of today’s Wrap.
- You’ll sleep better at night knowing that Cornell has decolonized the English Department or whatever they’re calling it now
- Another nominee, another history of mean tweets
- You will never believe what just happened at a Milwaukee Bucks game
And so much more.
Shall we begin?
This Is Not a Sane World, Exhibit #1,000,006

Cornell renames English Department as part of ‘decolonization efforts.’
Virtue signal received, five by five.
As Campus Reform reported in November, English Department faculty members voted to change the school’s name during their first faculty meeting of the fall semester. Professor Kate McCullough said that the rebranding would help to avoid the “conflation of English as a language and English as a nationality.”
Unlike, say, Chinese or German or damn near any other language.
Those don’t count, however, because as Insanity Wrap understands it, Chinese and Germans never committed any historical atrocities the way English speakers did when they authored the Declaration of Independence or the Bill of Rights.
You’ll be pleased with the new name: the “Department of English” to the “Department of Literatures in English.”
Insanity Wrap is amused by the move to the plural, which probably involved a very serious debate among the department members. Serious to them, comical to anyone else.
“It has to be ‘literatures,’ plural because we don’t want to imply that’s there’s only one literature — written by dead, white racists.”
Badda boom, badda bing, you’ve been decolonized.
Whatever in the actual the hell that means.
Your Daily Dose of Mostly Peaceful Protest
For months- I've been tracking dozens of federal cases stemming from last summer's protests in downtown Portland. So far, 34 of 90 cases have quietly been dismissed by the U.S. Dept. of Justice- including both misdemeanor and felony charges.
— Kyle Iboshi (@KyleIboshi) March 4, 2021
While Presidentish Joe Biden might not be indulging in an actual incitement to riot, per the legal definition, his actions will certainly act as an inducement to more riots.
But he says such nice things, so calmly, and no one ever has to read a mean tweet again, not even after their business was torched.
Insanity Wrap hopes that the victims of Portland’s partly violent riots take comfort in the fact that they’re being sacrificed to a worthy cause.
Your Daily Dose of Mandated Unity

Biden Nominee for Top Defense Post Attacked GOP in Incendiary Tweets
Introducing Colin Kahl Mean Tweets:
It’s not just Neera Tanden. President Joe Biden’s nominee for a top Pentagon post described Republicans as “the party of ethnic cleansing” in a series of highly partisan Twitter posts aimed at GOP lawmakers over the past few years.
Insanity Wrap gave up Twitter after realizing that we didn’t like ourselves very much when on Twitter, where users are rewarded for the absolute worst hot takes.
So we can be forgiving when it comes to mean tweets, although perhaps less so when they’re coming from a semi-high-profile public figure like Kahl who has ambitions to become much higher-profile.
You expect mean tweets from an opinion writer, but maybe we should expect better from a public servant.
Still, that’s not what concerns Insanity Wrap about Kahl, as you’re about to see:
Colin Kahl, nominated for undersecretary of defense for policy, has already faced some resistance from Senate Republicans due to his staunch advocacy of the Iran nuclear deal, opposition to Iran sanctions, and his alleged involvement in removing a statement affirming Jerusalem as Israel’s capital from the 2012 Democratic Party platform.
Kahl ought to be writing defense policy in the same way you’d put the hen in charge of guarding the fox den, if you catch our drift.
The Craziest Person in the World (Today)
Whoever greenlit the Milwaukee Bucks hand sanitizer cam either watches porn all day long or has never watched any porn. I can’t decide which it is:
— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) March 3, 2021
We’re just going to pretend this didn’t happen and move right along to the next item.
Previously On Insanity Wrap: Hillary Finally Finds a Victim of Sexual Harassment Who Deserves Answers
And Now For a Brief Moment of Sanity

Support a rancher, ‘Eat meat, and lots of it’
As Insanity Wrap’s beloved Colorado continues going off the rails — the most recent example being Gov. Shutdown’s ongoing war against ranchers and restauranteurs — a brief bit of sanity from the Fort Morgan Times:
How important is agriculture to rural communities? Perhaps, take the example of Morgan County. Cargill operates a beef processing plant, Leprino operates a cheese plant, Brush Meat Processors operates a bison processing plant, and Brush Lamb Processors recently opened. These four operations represent hundreds of jobs, perhaps tens of hundreds. And that’s not to mention the Western Sugar plant in Fort Morgan.
We recommend supporting your local rancher and meat producer heavily on March 20. Do it for the governor, whether you contact Eric Christensen or another rancher for a custom beef order, buy meat at a local grocer like Edward’s, Fresh Foods or Family Food Market in your community, visit your favorite steakhouse, or maybe take in one of the many community events already scheduled related to “MeatIn.”
Much more at the link, and Insanity Wrap urges you to read the whole thing.
Before you do, here’s what we’ll be doing for MeatIn day on March 20 — and maybe even a time or two before then.
We’ll season a 2-inch-thick ribeye generously with black pepper and kosher salt. Then we’ll vacuum-seal it in a FoodSaver bag along with three tablespoons of butter, two whole cloves of garlic, and one large sprig of thyme.
Then it will go into the sous vide for four hours at 115°.
30-40 minutes before the four hours are up, we’ll fire up the Weber with lump charcoal under a cast iron grate and nurse the fire up to 1000° or so.
The ribeye will go on the cast iron for about one minute per side, which ought to bring the internal temp up to a perfect rare-to-medium-rare.
We’ll probably make a Caesar salad to go with it, since the dressing also involves the flesh of yummy dead animals.
No matter where you live, won’t you join us and make March 20 a national MeatIn?
NOTE: We gleefully stole the FoodSaver prep from Chef Noah at Beasts & Brews, but we don’t think he minds.
Here’s Another Damn Thing We’re Supposed to Be Concerned About
No-Show Joe: White House bizarrely cuts feed to stop Biden taking questions
“I’m happy to take questions if that’s what I’m supposed to do, Nance. Whatever you want me to do.”
Spoken like a real take-charge POTUS, right before someone else made it very clear what he was supposed to do by not allowing him to do anything.
If you had wondered, gentle reader, why Insanity Wrap keeps referring to him as Presidentish Joe Biden, wonder no longer.
One More Thing…

Seems legit.
That’s a Wrap for today.
Come back tomorrow for another Insanity Wrap…
…assuming we make it that long.
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