Insanity Wrap needs to know: Remember when we told you that the MSM could never give up their Trump addiction?
Answer: They’ll try to deny it, they’ll try to stealth edit it, but they just can’t quit him.
Before we get to the sordid details, a quick preview of today’s Wrap.
- Wesley Mouch — er, Joe Biden — has it in for Florida
- New York to NYSE: Drop Dead!
- Gina Carano is going to be just fine
And so much more.
Shall we begin?
This Is Not a Sane World, Exhibit #1,000,006
Note the headline change
— Katie Herzog (@kittypurrzog) February 11, 2021
If Insanity Wrap wore a hat, we would tip it twice to Katie Herzog for this catch.
Early on Thursday, The Atlantic published an honest-sounding column by Yahoo News reporter Alexander Nazaryan, headlined “I Miss the Thrill of Trump.”
Insanity Wrap appreciated the honesty, and we also enjoyed the headline in no small part because we suspected all along that the Infotainment Industry needed Trump around.
They needed Trump to prove their own necessity, their own worth, but mostly for the Trumpy clickbait that kept them employed.
Then someone at The Atlantic got all clever slightly later on Thursday and stealth-edited the headline to “I Was an Enemy of the People.”
Andy Ngo reminds us that Nazaryan is “the Yahoo News White House reporter who reviewed Unmasked in the LA Times and said ‘Herr Goebbels would have been proud’.”
So, yes, Nazaryan strikes Insanity Wrap as exactly the kind of Infotainment Industry drone who will never be able to quit Trump.
While URLs aren’t quite forever, it hurts your clickbaitiness to change them.
And so the URL to Nazaryan’s piece still reads:
Free Gina!
Disney has made it clear:
You can make sexual jokes about children and still work there
But be an open conservative?
Well that’s where Mickey Mouse draws the line
— ELIJAH SCHAFFER (@ElijahSchaffer) February 11, 2021
Insanity Wrap had enjoyed watching Gina Carano blossom as an actor.
While we never watched her as an MMA fighter, we were intrigued by director Stephen Soderbergh’s decision to cast her in the 2011 action flick, Haywire.
It was kind of morbid curiosity since Soderbergh isn’t known for action flicks and Carano wasn’t known for acting.
Carano wasn’t going to win any awards for that Haywire, but as an action star, her acting skills were no worse than Arnold Schwarzenegger or Jason Statham when they first started in Hollywood.
Even better, Carano was easier on Insanity Wrap’s eyes than Schwarzenegger or Statham.
Much easier.
Just two years later in Fast & Furious 6, it was clear that Carano had taken acting lessons — and taken them seriously.
By the time she appeared in the first season of The Mandalorian in 2019, Carano owned every scene she was in.
Again, she’s no Meryl Streep, but she knows how to pick her roles, she picks them well and gives audiences ample reasons to enjoy her endless charm.
We don’t know what Gina Carano will do from here, but we’re certain she’ll own that, too.
Previously On Insanity Wrap: Biden Calls Up ‘Ordinary American,’ Cringeworthy Conversation Ensues
The Craziest Person in the World (Today)

White House looks at domestic travel restrictions as COVID mutation surges in Florida
Today’s craziest person in the world is anyone left who still doesn’t understand that the Left is using Atlas Shrugged as an instruction manual.
To wit:
Discussions in the administration over potential travel restrictions do not target a specific state but focus on how to prevent the spread of variants that appear to be surging in a number of states, including Florida and California.
Let’s call this what it is: A not-so-stealth lockdown imposed on Florida.
“For their own good,” naturally.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has committed the cardinal sin of exposing the lockdowns as both useless and harmful.
Here’s the data collected on Wednesday by Insanity Wrap’s PJ Media colleague Stacey Lennox:
Florida's COVID-19 cases looks just like the US, California and New York. They have fewer total cases than New York despite a similarly population that trends older. Any travel restriction is to punish @RonDeSantisFL for blowing their panic porn narrative. cc: @PeteButtigieg
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) February 10, 2021
Insanity Wrap is willing to concede that maybe Florida just got lucky somehow, for reasons we may never understand.
This seems unlikely, given that Florida — AKA, “Heaven’s Waiting Room” — has a population that skews far older than any other state in the Union.
As you well know, gentle reader, COVID-19 is a picky eater that prefers to feed on the old and infirm.
As Trish Jones noted, “No one mentions how snowbirds and summer beachgoers have not headed to New York nor to closed California this past year.”
Compounding Florida’s “good luck,” as Trish also pointed out, New Yorkers and Californians fled to Florida “in droves.”
They came for the open beaches and restaurants — and stayed for the lower mortality rates.
In Atlas Shrugged, Colorado became the nation’s last remaining state enjoying robust growth. Politicians in Washington conspired to kill it — and did — in the name of “fairness.”
But really just because conservatively-run Colorado was an embarrassment to their failed progressive policies.
Clearly, in the real world, Florida cannot be allowed to continue embarrassing “better-run” states like Granny Killer Cuomo’s New York.
If the Biden Administration does impose travel restrictions on the residents of our least-afflicted large state, don’t forget to set your personal Wayback Machine to March 28, 2020, when you’ll find this headline:
Cuomo: New York Quarantine Would Be ‘Federal Declaration Of War’
“It’s totally opposite everything he’s been saying. I don’t think it is plausible. I don’t think it is legal,” Cuomo said then.
Do you wonder what Cuomo would say now about a quarantine imposed on Florida?
Insanity Wrap would wager that Cuomo would be happy to accept a quarantine on his own people, provided that the people in Florida were made to suffer for DeSantis’ success.
Your Daily Dose of Mandated Unity
"She's supposed to be going to college and I don't know how I'm going to pay for it."
Joe Biden is responsible for every one of these job losses.
— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) February 10, 2021
Energy workers by and large didn’t vote for Joe Biden.
As a result, they can — and did — get screwed.
And Now For a Brief Moment of Sanity
BREAKING: Georgia Sen. Warnock Under Investigation For Voter Registration Misconduct
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) February 11, 2021
‘Bout damn time.
Here’s Another Damn Thing We’re Supposed to Be Concerned About

Proposed Stock-Transfer Tax Could Send NYSE Packing
Whatever madness Blue State Democrats decide to impose on their masochistic voters, Insanity Wrap is for it.
Earlier today, Instapundit reported on Seattle’s ongoing efforts to impose a wealth tax on the city’s few billionaires like Jeff Bezos — a tax that will never be collected, because there’s nothing more mobile than a man with money.
Now this:
New York state lawmakers introduced a bill that would tax certain financial transactions. Although state revenue has suffered due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the proposed new transaction tax seemed to have little support from Gov. Andrew Cuomo or his officials.
In January, state budget director Robert Mujica said a lot of ideas around such financial taxes “haven’t been fleshed out,” according to a transcript provided to Reuters by an official in the New York State Division of the Budget, per the New York Post.
A financial tax was proposed last year in New Jersey, where many exchanges host their servers. Mujica said exchanges quickly mobilized to temporarily move their employees and activity outside of the state.
Insanity Wrap would remind the last person leaving New York to please turn off the lights, but we honestly doubt there will still be electricity there by then.
One More Thing…

That’s a Wrap for today.
Come back tomorrow for another Insanity Wrap…
…assuming we make it that long.
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