Take a Letter, Mayor


Details, if you can stomach them:

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper seems to have something of a man-crush on former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Hickenlooper admitted in a tape-recorded conversation that that he penned a “long, fawning” handwritten letter to Bloomberg in which he enumerated his favorite Bloomberg achievements.

Hickenlooper revealed his fanboy status during small talk with a reporter from Bloomberg News prior to an interview. The audio was obtained and posted by Complete Colorado.


If Hickenlooper governed the state the way he once governed Denver, as a business-friendly centrist with a few loopy environmentalist tendencies, he’d be cruising to a landslide reelection in November.

But he turned his back on all that (except the loopy stuff) once he obtained a higher office.

ALSO: Complete Colorado rocks.


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