Latest Fire Maps

AM June 20Yesterday was another hot one. I don’t know if that’s from the fire itself, or if all that “artificial” low pressure is sucking up warmer air from New Mexico or Texas. What I do know is that our Junes are usually in the high eighties and low nineties — and we’ve been flirting with 100 all week.


Finally, we got some rain last night. East of here. Useless. God, assuming for the moment there is one, has the sense of humor of a vicious prankster.

It’s cooler today, at least on this side of the mountains, so that should help. 9News has the latest reports from Castle Rock. And the Denver Post has eerie pictures of the burned out moonscape where there fire is finished.

9newsmap.jpgThis map from 9News shows that the fire is contained at Lake George, where it’s closest to peoples homes — and Highway 24, which leads right into downtown Colorado Springs.

The bad news? It’s just one mountain ridge northwest of the Air Force Academy, and the burbs where my in-laws (and future wife) live. Melissa’s mom spent an afternoon on the phone with AFAA, upping the insurance on the house and everything in it. The other bad news is that line is all uncontrolled burning.

The next couple of days are going to be a little stressful, but little compared to the folks west of here who have been under evacuation alert for a week now. And nothing compared to those who have lost their homes.

Did I mention fire season lasts through September?


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