Tech Wizard Elon Musk Writes a Big 2024 Election Check That Could Change Everything

AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

Elon Musk's donation to a pro-Trump presidential super PAC may seal the expectation that election 2024 will set a record for the most expensive presidential campaign ever and likely for many years to come. It's also a donation that could change everything this election cycle for the Democrats. 


Democrats are already taking deep breaths and checking their underpants after hearing that the tech billionaire has opened his checkbook. Biden spokesman James Singer petulantly whined to Bloomberg News:

“Arrogant billionaires only out for themselves are not what America wants or what America needs,” James Singer, a spokesman for the Biden campaign, said in a statement. “Elon knows Trump is a sucker who will sell America out, cutting his taxes while raising taxes on the middle class by $2,500.”

Musk gave an unspecified amount of money to "America PAC," a political action committee (PAC) formed in May 2024, that concentrates on the GOP ground game, voter registration, and turn-out, and "focuses on door-to-door persuasion and get-out-the-vote efforts. A recent ruling by the FEC allows super-PACs to coordinate with campaigns on voter outreach," Bloomberg News reported.

Musk has been quiet on his social media about the donation and hasn't disclosed the amount. Trump has not mentioned it either. However, we'll get a peek at the super PAC's financials on Monday, according to Bloomberg. It is not a direct donation to the Trump campaign, so it falls under different campaign finance laws. 


Musk has said in the past that he doesn't want to contribute to either side in hopes of keeping a politically independent stance, but with this donation, he has put a stake in the ground giving the GOP a fighting chance against the Democrats' embrace and exploitation of their radical voting rule changes. 

His contribution and those of other Silicon Valley swells appear to have changed Joe Biden's political calculus. 


The money injection from Musk comes at a time when Trump has overtaken his rival, President Joe Biden, in fundraising with the help of deep-pocketed Wall Street and corporate donors. Biden’s own money raising has dropped off following a calamitous debate that led prominent Democratic donors to put away their checkbooks.

Among outside organizations backing Trump, America PAC is the biggest spender on direct voter contacts. It has spent $15.8 million so far, with $13.1 million of that going for field operations, federal records show. It has also paid for digital media, texting and phone calls to reach voters.

Prominent Texas campaign finance lawyer Chris Gober started the super PAC. The PAC helped the Chris Christie and Nikki Haley campaigns and has previously done grassroots work for the Republican National Committee. Now it's turning its attention to getting out the vote for the GOP by embracing the left's early voting, mail balloting, and direct voter outreach. 


According to Bloomberg, the super PAC has spent "$15.8 million so far, with $13.1 million of that going for field operations, federal records show." 

Musk and Trump have grown closer over the past few months. Musk said recently, "He does call me out of the blue for no reason." He has also been coaching Trump on cryptocurrency and other tech issues.

Can Musk help the GOP beat the Democrats at their own election game? We don't know, but he may have just helped to even the score. 

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