Evidence of Joe Biden Corruption Just Keeps Piling Up, and the Media Refuses to Cover It

AP Photo/Charles Dharapak

On Wednesday, Fox News host Tucker Carlson condemned the legacy media for attempting to bury the bombshell story of Tony Bobulinski, Hunter Biden’s former business partner who has testified that Democratic nominee Joe Biden was involved in his family’s influence-peddling operations in China, Ukraine, and elsewhere. More and more sources have confirmed parts of Bobulinski’s story — most recently a Senate committee — but many media outlets have refused to cover it.


“Bobulinski told a remarkable story. Joe Biden — who once again could be [elected] president of the United States next week — was planning business deals with America’s most formidable global opponent. And when he was caught doing it, Joe Biden lied. And then he went further, the slandered an innocent man as a traitor to his own country,” Carlson explained.

He lamented that “no one in America’s vast media landscape has pressed Joe Biden” for his excuse to smear Bobulinski. “Instead, reporters at all levels, and their editors, and their publishers, have openly collaborated with Joe Biden’s political campaign. That is unprecedented. It has never happened in American history.”

“This morning, the big papers completely ignored what Tony Bobulinski had to say, so did the other television networks. Not a single word about Bobulinski appeared on CNN or anywhere else. Newsweek decided to cover it but came to the conclusion that the real story was about Qanon, somehow,” Tucker added.

“This is Soviet-style suppression of information of a legitimate news story days before an election. The ramifications of it are impossible to imagine,” the Fox News host declared. “You should be offended by this not because the media are liberal but because this is an attack on our democracy. You’ve heard that phrase again and again. This is what it actually looks like. In a self-governing country, voters have a right to know, and obligation to know, who they’re voting for.”

The Hunter Biden Corruption Scandal Is a Reckoning for the Legacy Media

“In this case, they have the right to know that the Democratic nominee for president was a willing partner in his family’s lucrative influence-peddling operation. An operation that went on for decades and stretched from China and Ukraine, all the way to Oman, Romania, Luxembourg, and many other countries,” Carlson added. “This is not speculation, once again, and it is not a partisan attack. It’s true and Tony Bobulinski confirmed it.”

Indeed, a spokesperson for Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) told the Daily Caller that all the material Bobulinski provided that the committee had reviewed so far has turned out to be legitimate. The committee did not come across any “signs” or evidence to suggest the content is false.

This confirmation adds to a growing list of evidence suggesting that the bombshells revealed in Hunter Biden’s emails and Bobulinski’s testimony are true. While the Biden campaign, Democrats, and legacy media outlets have insisted that the bombshells are Russian disinformation, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, the FBI, and the DOJ rebutted that claim. Vladimir Putin himself came out in defense of Biden’s business deals.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) claimed his staff had verified the Hunter Biden emails. Team Biden has not claimed that the documents were forged. Perhaps most importantly, Bobulinski has risked his reputation to come forward, presenting reams of evidence to back up his story.


The former Biden business partner spoke with Tucker Carlson on Tuesday, recounting the sordid details of his business with the Bidens.

Evidence showed that Hunter Biden introduced Bobulinksi to Joe Biden in Los Angeles in May 2017 with these words, “Dad, here’s the individual I told you about that’s helping us with the business that we’re working on and the Chinese.”

Bobulinski presented text messages in which Hunter Biden said his “Chairman” — whom Bobulinski claimed was Joe Biden — vetoed a plan for stricter governance on their company doing business with the Chinese.

Here’s How We Know the Hunter Biden Emails Are Real, and a Serious Threat to Joe Biden

He also discussed a May 13, 2017 email showing that 10 percent of the company’s equity would go to Joe Biden.

Carlson later revealed that some of the documents detailing the corruption had gone missing, but the Bobulinski interview and the documents the former Biden business partner provided have not been lost.

“Millions of dollars linked to the Communist Party of China went to Joe Biden’s family, not because they’re capable businessmen, they’re certainly not,” Tucker Carlson explained. “They were cut in on the world’s most lucrative business deals… for one reason. Because Joe Biden was a powerful government official willing to leverage his power on behalf of his family.”

“Now, if that’s not a crime, it’s very close to a crime. And it’s certainly something every person voting should know about,” the Fox News host insisted.


Indeed, the scandal is quite damning. Hunter Biden’s business deals in China arguably undercut America’s interests in military technology, nuclear technology, and rare earth minerals. His deals helped the Chinese in their oppression of the Muslim Uyghur minority.

Yet when the story first broke, Facebook and Twitter took unprecedented actions to suppress The New York Post bombshell. Twitter briefly suspended the accounts of the Trump campaign, the White House press secretary, and a congressional committee. Facebook, meanwhile, moved to suppress the Post article’s reach even before an independent fact check could be performed.

Media outlets also rushed to suppress the story. National Public Radio boasted about its decision not to cover the Hunter Biden emails. CBS News’s Leslie Stahl even denied that Biden was facing a scandal at all. CNN’s Jake Tapper described the story as “just nonsense, crap, tied into Qanon, tied into Pizzagate, tied into the worst things you could say about a person — with no evidence, just completely made up.” Journalists started attacking other journalists for daring to post The New York Post story on Twitter.

As more and more of the truth comes out, the corruption becomes ever more damning not just for Joe Biden’s campaign but for the legacy media who rushed to cover it up.


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Tyler O’Neil is the author of Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Follow him on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.

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