
Joe Biden's Scandals With Hunter Biden Are Worse Than Hillary Clinton's Corruption

AP Photo/Nick Wass, File

Hillary Clinton’s corruption with the Clinton Foundation and the Uranium One scandal — heightened by the investigation into whether or not she held classified information on her private insecure home-brew server — helped doom her presidential ambitions. Yet Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.’s scandals involving Hunter Biden’s corruption are arguably far worse than Clinton’s corruption scandals were.

“In some ways, the Biden stuff is more damning than the Clinton material,” M.A. Taylor, director of the new documentary RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens’ Chinese Secrets, told PJ Media.

You see, “the Clintons are selling out to everybody. Their business with Columbia and Nigeria does not put Americans in danger.” Whereas “everything Hunter Biden did endangers us, literally everything.”

The infamous Uranium One deal — in which Hillary Clinton approved the sale of a massive uranium company to a scandal-plagued Russian firm — did represent a threat to America’s national security interests, but arguably less so than the aggregation of Hunter Biden’s business deals helping China.

Hillary Clinton’s homebrew server may have made classified information more available for America’s foes, but at least Clinton wasn’t sending Chelsea Clinton to China to make lucrative deals with the Chinese Communist Party.

Hunter Biden’s most notorious business dealing involves his tenure on the board of Burisma, a notoriously corrupt Ukrainian gas firm. Joe Biden notoriously issued a quid pro quo, threatening to withhold $1 billion in U.S. funding if Ukraine’s president did not fire the prosecutor who was looking into Burisma.

Yet Hunter Biden’s deals in China arguably proved the most damaging for America’s national interests. As Riding the Dragon explains, Hunter Biden’s Chinese company Bohai Harvest joined forces with a Chinese military firm (a firm notorious for stealing U.S. military technology) to buy Henniges, an American parts manufacturer that makes dual-use technology, which can be used for commercial and military purposes. Bohai Harvest also invested in FACE++, a military surveillance company that the Chinese Communist Party used to detain Uyghur Muslims.

Bohai Harvest also helped Chinese government-run China Molybdenum buy more than half of Congo’s Tenke copper mine, one of the largest copper mines in the world. This deal helped China dominate the world market in rare-earth minerals, necessary for consumer products, military tech, and “green” technology.

Hunter Biden’s firm also invested in China General Nuclear, a company under FBI investigation for stealing U.S. nuclear secrets.

Hunter Biden’s real estate firm, Rosemont Realty, also engaged in lucrative commercial real estate deals in China, and Gemini — a firm with close ties to the Chinese military — bought 75 percent stake in Rosemont Realty for $3 billion.

M.A. Taylor contrasted Hunter Biden’s corruption with the corruption of the Clintons. “The Clintons are just going for the highest bidder. … But to facilitate the actual endangerment of the United States … that makes the Bohai Harvest deals so insidious.”

While the Clintons seem to be hunting for cash, Hunter Biden’s business deals enabled the Chinese Communist Party to take over more of the global economy, oppress its own people, and steal America’s military secrets.

If the American people soured on Hillary Clinton for her corruption, they should flee from Joe Biden like the plague.

Tyler O’Neil is the author of Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Follow him on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.

Also VIP: It Makes Sense That China Prefers Joe Biden. Here’s Why.

Hunter Biden Remains on the Board of a Chinese Company That Profited From Joe Biden’s Foreign Policy
Not Just Hunter: Joe Biden’s Brothers Used the VP for Financial Gain
5 Ways Hunter Biden’s Business Deals Empowered China at America’s Expense


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