The California business school dedicated to overthrowing meritocracy, profit, and free-market competition is launching a new educational program dedicated — paradoxically — to fighting the “masculine” economy.
Starting in October, the Feminist Business School will launch its inaugural academic program, a “Feminine Economics Department” to teach business owners how to run their enterprise while embodying values such as “gratitude,” “honesty” and “empathy.”
According to the program’s website, students will spend three months learning a “critical feminist” approach to money-making. And despite the program’s critique of capitalism, enrollment will cost $1,050, a hefty price tag for small-business owners.
In exchange, students who enroll will get access to a 24-hour online discussion board to talk about feminism with other business owners, monthly community Skype sessions, and “new friends, amazing resources, and powerful business tools.”
The program “is a home for learning, inquiry, active engagement, and applied practice,” the website explains. The goal? “Together, we will increase our economic literacy and expand our critical consciousness as we … make the Feminine Economy real.”
(Just to be clear: this program doesn’t appear to teach any actual economics theory.)
Enrollment is capped at 24 students, according to the website. Evergreen State University graduate Jennifer Armbrust, a long-time critic of what she calls the “masculine economy,” appears to be the program’s only instructor, or “professor” if you will.
Though Armbrust did not reply to a PJ Media inquiry for more information, her philosophy of capitalism is outlined — and available for purchase — on her website. She explains that the United States currently runs on a model of the “masculine economy.”
This runs on various problematic values, including “profit-worship,” “inequitable distribution of wealth,” “speed and efficiency,” “competition,” “hierarchy” and “ownership.” Her new Feminine Economics Department, it appears, will attempt to combat this.
“If capitalism is an economy that values masculine traits, what could another economy look like?” the website explains, adding that a more feminine economy proposes a “new set of values based on feminine principles.”
The school’s philosophy can also be gleaned from its Instagram.
In a recent post, for example, Armburst urges followers to delete Spotify and Facebook, claiming the two companies are complicit in pledging “allegiance to white supremacists… and to undermining democracy and civil discourse.”
“Have you thought about what the revolution you’re dreaming of will cost you? Are you prepared to let go of your way of life in order to rebalance the scales? What will you do when the time comes to make bigger, harder choices about letting go of your unearned privileges?”
The Feminine Economics Department’s first class will start October 1st. See the enrollment page for more information. But just be warned: the program does not appear to be accredited, nor does is it affiliated with any accredited business school.
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