
O Canada...Calm Down, Already

Dietmar Rabich / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0

America's Hat (toque?) has been a little angsty lately. 

Canada has taken some ribbing from President-elect Donald Trump recently and it's been quite entertaining. Some Canadian citizens have been consulting their Glossary of State-Approved Words to express their displeasure on social media. 

After Trump joked about Canada becoming the 51st state in the United States of America, I mentioned it in a Morning Briefing. I referred to Justin Trudeau as the "head of state" in Canada and received a terse email complaining about Americans who don't know anything about other countries or something because King Charles is the head of state there.



I would like to offer a sincere apology to anyone who may have gotten the mistaken impression that I care about what other people think of me. If I did, anyone I wanted to impress wouldn't have King Charles's mug on their money. 

My history of poking fun at our neighbors to the north goes way back to my early days on X, when it was still Twitter and it was fun all the time. We were so innocent then. While looking for a specific old tweet (that's what they were called in ancient times) about Canada, I uncovered more material than I thought I would.

The tweet I was looking for was posted during the Opening Ceremonies of the Vancouver Winter Olympics in 2010. I couldn't find the original, but here's a retweet of it: 

I had used whatever the Olympics hashtag was for the night, and my timeline was rather festive with indignant replies for the rest of the evening. Like I said — fun all the time. 

This week, Trump upped his Canada trolling game, referring to "Governor Justin Trudeau of the Great State of Canada," which Catherine covered here.

One would think that it would be mostly Canadians who are in an uproar about this. Nah, it's the American libs who are longtime sufferers of Trump Derangement Syndrome who hit the "MELTDOWN" button right away. The thing that they don't get is that plenty of Canadians have grown weary of Trudeau's shtick, no matter what his official title is. 

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Anyway, Canadiacans, no harm intended. Your devotion to beer is admirable, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for John Candy. 

Governor Trudeau has got to go, though. 

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