It's OK to Call Your Political Opponents Insane If They're, You Know, Insane

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

On the Monday edition of our legendary VIP Gold live chat show "Five O'Clock Somewhere," Stephen Green and I were discussing our exasperation with the relentless vitriol from the American Left that, once again, induced some loon to try and kill former president Donald Trump. We have both been professionally writing and talking about politics for a very long time and we have never seen anything like this. It's even worse than the Democrats' unhinged behavior from 2016-2023. 


The 2024 Democrats are in a dangerous state of mental unwellness. That's not hyperbole, it's an obvious conclusion that can be arrived at after even the most cursory examination of their behavior. 

I would like to make it very clear that I never used to be the kind of guy who dismissed those he disagreed with politically as stupid or crazy. In fact, the decades that I have spent in the entertainment industry taught me how to get along with people who have differing viewpoints quite well. 

Until recently, of course.  

When they began acting crazy. 

True, the point could be made that the Dems have always been a little nuts. They believe that things that come from the government are free, after all, and have no cost attached to them anywhere. 

There is a big difference, however, between merely having political beliefs that are just plain wrong, and what we see from them these days. Democrats in the Biden-Harris era are fueled by rabid, animalistic rage that they use to dehumanize people on the Right. That's their gateway to justifying any kind of aberrant, often violent, behavior towards us. 

And they're marketing it as joy. 

It cannot be stated often or emphatically enough that every Democratic official — in office or out — who repeatedly lies about Donald Trump is complicit in the attacks on his life. Here's a prime example from the minority leader in the House of Representatives: 


The push for a national abortion ban is fringe at best and has no chance of becoming law. As for Project 2025, the only people on the Right who care about it are the people who wrote it. No one is talking about it except the Democrats. Trump has repeatedly said that he has nothing to do with it. During his speech here in Tucson last Thursday, he said that he's never read it and doesn't want to. That doesn't stop the Democrats from repeating "Trump's Project 2025" ad nauseam in campaign speeches and on social media. 

On my recent trip to Ann Arbor, MI, I went to a coffee place with my sister and there were people there trying to get volunteers to take yard signs that said, "Unite to Resist Trump's Project 2025 fascist agenda!"

Never mind that there's no agenda to resist because Trump has nothing to do with it. 

The upper echelon Dems know that they're lying. We're all used to leftist pols lying for political gain. What's changed this year is the sheer volume of it. I said the same thing in a VIP column last month, but I was only writing about the Dems' lapdogs in the mainstream media in that one. While it's bad enough that Jake Tapper and Paul Krugman are lying more than ever, it's exponentially worse when the president, vice president, Senate majority leader, and House minority leader are sanctioning it with their litany of lies.


It's fair to wonder if people who lie that frequently eventually begin to believe what they originally knew were falsehoods. I believe that is not only possible, but is what's happening. They're talking themselves into a disconnect from reality, a politically induced psychotic break, if you will. 

In one of his recent columns, Mr. Green examines the danger of the Dems' rhetoric, making this astute observation: 

Wind them up and keep winding until something snaps, no conspiracy required.

Yes, they know what they're doing.

Try as they might, Democrats can't pretend that they don't condone violent behavior. They've been feverishly leg-humping the most riotous and murderous among us for the past four years. Their prosecutors think they're on a cable fishing show, taking a "catch and release" approach to dealing with lawbreakers, and the Biden-Harris open borders nightmare is essentially a placement program for violent criminals. 

I'm no psychiatrist, but it often feels as if the Democratic Party is being run by a cabal of high-functioning sociopaths. They're smart and they're calculating, but, yeah, they're insane.

Let's send the inmates back to the asylum in November. You can help PJ Media battle the crazies by becoming one of our VIP Members. Subscribe here and use the promo code FIGHT to receive a huge 60% discount! That's around three bucks a month for VIP Gold, which gives you access to all of the premium content at every Townhall Media site (PJ Media, Townhall, HotAir, RedState, Bearing Arms, and Twitchy). 


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