
MSM Harris Fawning Might Bring the 'H' Word Back to My Vocabulary

AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough

People who have seen me live or hung out with me in person may be surprised to find out that, despite my abhorrence of censorship, I do impose some restrictions upon myself. There is one word that I purged from my vocabulary when my now 26-year-old daughter was learning to speak. I've been good about sticking to my rule, but our prevaricating political press is testing my mettle. 


I decided to try to avoid saying "hate" not only because I didn't want my daughter to hear it but also because I realized that — despite my myriad flaws — I'm not really a hateful person. Yes, I am easily irritated by people, which is why I can be curmudgeonly, but I never tend towards hate. 

Of course I use the word in certain contexts, but I try to not say, "I hate..." someone or something. 

What I've witnessed from the Democrats' flying monkeys in the mainstream media this past month has moved the "H" word from the periphery of my mind to the tip of my tongue. 

As many of you know, I have been writing professionally about the pro-Dem bias in the mainstream media for a couple of decades now. Few conservatives are more familiar with just how awful our faux journalism class can be than I am. If I thought about it for a while, I might go so far as to say that no one is. 

The media lapdogs have constantly been seeking — and reaching — new lows ever since Joe Biden officially became the Dems' nominee in 2020. What used to be called "spin" was at least partially rooted in reality. In order to repackage the eternally bitter and unhinged Biden as the kindly grandpa who was going to be the country's great unifier, the hacks had to delve into full-time creative fiction writing. 

The task of repackaging Kamala Harris is even greater because, as we have discussed many times, even most Democrats didn't (don't) like her. The media cretins weren't merely trying to convince voters this time, they were also trying to convince themselves. 

Again, I am used to the leftist lapdogs in the MSM spewing lies. I honestly haven't seen the volume of lies that's happened since Madame Veep was forced onto the ticket. It's as if each newsroom has a full-time staff dedicated to making up crap about Donald Trump. In addition to that, virtually every falsehood about Trump and the GOP that Democratic politicians have been putting out there is allowed to go unchecked. Once more, it's the sheer amount of it that's especially grating to me. 

Something that's not as insidious as all of the lying but so weird I have to keep writing about it is the sudden obsession with Kamala Harris's laugh and smile. Here's something that I wrote about that in a recent column

The second thing it tells me is that they realized they would need some cover for Kamala Harris's behavior. Because she's always in over her head, Harris is forever grinning and cackling like the village idiot. They had a couple of options for dealing with this. One was to sedate her, but after Biden, the Dems have had their fill of narcotically regulating the person at the top.

The other was to provide a cover story for all of the awkward emoting. Articles praising her laughter appeared faster than Democratic mail-in ballots in Philadelphia on election night. The word "joyful" was agreed upon, and soon Madame Veep herself was picking up on it. 

She's had the same nervous smile and ear-piercing cackle throughout her career. The MSM propagandists who are composing schoolgirl rhymes about them in their Trapper Keepers are acting as if they're just noticing it. If it's that dazzling, why haven't any of them mentioned it while she's been occupying the second highest political office in the land? If I worked in an office and had a female co-worker who wore pencil skirts to work every day, it wouldn't take me four years to notice that she had great legs. 

Just saying. 

The Harris snow job has been so intense that I found myself worrying about hypothermia during the Tucson summer. 

There's a popular phrase among conservatives now that goes, "You don't hate the media enough." Trust me, I get it. 

However, I'm not going to let the leftist bottom-feeders break me and turn me into a hater. 

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