Top O’ the Briefing
Happy Monday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Taryna’s recurring dream about co-hosting a bialy bakeoff competition with Liberace impersonators on the Food Network had begun to interfere with her ability to play a serious game of Connect Four.
There’s a lot to unpack in that Sine Qua Non Sequitur but somedays are better than others.
While the Briefing doesn’t get federal holidays off, we do things a little quicker.
This past year there has been a whole lot of finding out that those of us over here in Crazy Rightwing Nutjob Land were correct about pretty much everything that the lefties told us we were wrong about during COVID. We knew that all along, of course, as did the false narrative pimps who kept telling us to shut up BECAUSE FOLLOW THE SCIENCE, RETHUGLICANS.
The petty tyrants and their lies have been so thoroughly exposed that they are now in full consequence avoidance mode. The first thing that leftists like to do when ducking responsibility is to rewrite history and pretend that none of it happened. Tyrannical garden gnome and alleged physician Anthony Fauci repeatedly insists that he didn’t want anything shut down. Randi Weingarten — the most evil woman in America — swears that she and the cauldron-stirring teachers’ union she runs never tried to keep schools closed.
Everything that happened when Mr. Rogers headed to the Neighborhood of Make-Believe was more reality-based.
Over the weekend, Kevin wrote about the latest in COVID “Oops!” purging:
More than 300 COVID-19-related articles have been retracted — long after they’d done their damage — due to a lack of scientific truthfulness and ethical guidelines, according to Retraction Watch, a website that monitors retractions of science-related articles.
A total of 330 COVID-related papers have been retracted thus far.
According to Gunnveig Grødeland, a senior researcher at the Institute of Immunology at the University of Oslo, many researchers took ethical shortcuts when writing their essays.
“It will, of course, be withdrawn when it is found that ethical guidelines have been breached,” Grødeland quipped to Khrono, an academic news publication.
File that all way under “Too Little, Too Late.” As Kevin noted — and as we recently discussed regarding the Durham report — the damage was done. Because of their unholy alliance with their propagandists in the mainstream media, Democrats know that they can unload a truckload of horse manure on their incurious and uncritical devotees and the idiots will wallow in it without ever mentioning the smell.
They were just making stuff up but kept insisting that everything that they were doing to ruin people’s lives was grounded in science. If you look at just some of what Kevin details in his post, it’s plain to see that it was the least scientific science in the history of science.
The more we find out, the more intense my dream of seeing Fauci perp-walked intensifies. I know it’s not going to happen, but the thought of it takes me to a happy place.
And now let us wrap up with a Memorial Day prayer in solemn remembrance of those who gave their lives so that we could be free.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let Your perpetual light shine upon them.
May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed
rest in peace.

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