She Had Fans? Kathy Griffin Says She Lost a Third of Her Fans Over Trump Severed Head Photo

AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill

There was a time, and it wasn’t all that long ago, when to be a successful comedian, you had to be, you know, funny. Only rubes and right-wing yahoos, however, are so naïve as to think such a thing today. Nowadays, all the most sophisticated comedians know that to gain enthusiastic applause and acclaim, all they have to do is say something about how evil and stupid Donald Trump is, and the world will be their oyster. Kathy Griffin was way out in front on this, and like all the brave innovators who have blazed trails for lesser talents, she is paying the price.


The Hill reported Saturday that Griffin says she has suffered tremendously for standing valiantly against Bad Orange Man: “One thing that breaks my heart,” the sensitive little shrinking violet and budding professional victim lamented, “is why I would say I’ve lost, probably permanently, about a third of my audience because of the Trump thing.”

The heart breaks. Will the MAGA persecution never end? Here is this engagingly impish humorist, who has dedicated her life to bringing joy into the lives of similarly selfless leftists who look to her for a bit of sunlight after dark days battling Trumpian insurrectionists and domestic terrorists. And what does she get for her tireless efforts to brighten the days of the heroes who are giving their lives to the fundamental transformation of America that our dear leader Barack Obama initiated and that still remains so sadly incomplete? Rank ingratitude, that’s what she gets. But what can you expect from the followers of the focus of evil in the modern world, one Donald J. Trump of Mar-a-Lago?

“The Trump thing,” in case you’ve forgotten Griffin’s service to humanity, involved her publishing a photo of herself back in 2017, in which she was holding a lifelike representation of Trump’s bloody severed head. She was simply expressing the not-very-well-concealed desire of a massive number of leftists, then and now, and so she has found the largely ungenerous response she has received to be bewildering. 


The news hasn’t been all bad for Griffin: “I think I’ve gained some audiences that are maybe a little bit more political, maybe a little bit more liberal, but I used to play the South like crazy because they knew me as somebody that would make fun of Hollywood and the Kardashians and celebrities.” No more. Not only have audiences in the South turned against her, but, The Hill adds, Griffin was even “investigated for conspiracy to murder the commander-in-chief and put on a no-fly list. The same month, she was fired from CNN where she co-hosted New Year’s Eve coverage.” Yes, even CNN! Et tu, Brute?

The jokeless and laughless comedian still can’t believe how harshly she was treated over a harmless little severed head. “I was interrogated under oath,” she recounts with amazement. “They were seriously considering charging me with conspiracy to assassinate the president of the United States. That has never happened in the history of comedy, never.” Well, yeah. That’s because Bob Hope didn’t parade around with the severed head of FDR. Charlie Chaplin didn’t make a knee-slapping short about offing Woodrow Wilson. So yeah, Griffin is an innovator, and while she is stunned at the response she has received, she is also proud.

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“People come up to me now,” she says, “they’re much nicer and they go, ‘good for you, you were ahead of your time. I get the pun.’ But, man, I was afraid to walk down the street.” Poor victim! Imagine illustrating what leftists all over the country would like to do, and not being laden with awards and honors for doing so! But victimhood is the left’s most coveted status, and Griffin is working hard to secure it. Maybe at the next Oscars ceremony, she can be given the Lee Harvey Oswald Lifetime Achievement Award for Unfunny Politicized Comedians. It would be the honor of her life, and the crowning achievement after an overlong career full of hatred, vitriol, and sanctimonious scolding, which is what the left presents as comedy these days.


One of the signs that sanity is returning to American public life, if it ever does, will be that comedians will be funny again, which will mean that the likes of Kathy Griffin will have entered a much-deserved long retirement.



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