
Wisconsin Supreme Court Orders Dems to Allow the ‘Democracy’ They’re Always Talking About

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Yes, yes, I know: For all the left’s constant talk about how “our democracy” is under serious threat from Bad Orange Man, and how only they stand between us and his thousand-year reich, we don’t actually have a democracy at all, and the threat to our republic is coming not from Trump, but from those who are sounding the alarm. The Democrats proved that again recently by attempting to leave a challenger to Old Joe Biden off Wisconsin’s primary ballot. 

The Associated Press reported Saturday that “the Wisconsin Supreme Court ordered state elections officials Friday to include U.S. Rep Dean Phillips on the state's Democratic presidential primary ballot, finding that Democrats on a bipartisan presidential selection committee who left him off the ballot without a discussion should have at least talked about him.” Instead, “Democrats listed Biden as their only candidate and approved adding him to the ballot without any discussion during a meeting that last only five minutes.” 

So here we have the party that is going to save “our democracy” ignoring a challenger to Old Joe simply because they want to hold a coronation, not an election, and don’t want to expose their nasty, senile, and corrupt front man to too much scrutiny. Yeah, this is very “democratic.”

Dean Phillips, in case you haven’t noticed (and it would certainly be easy to miss), is a Democrat congressman from Minnesota who has had the temerity to try to throw a wrench in the coronation plans of the Democrats’ naked emperor by declaring his candidacy for president. He has about as much chance of becoming the Democrats’ presidential nominee as you or I do, but that’s beside the point. The whole idea of “democracy” is that voters get a choice. The Democrats’ idea of “democracy,” on the other hand, is akin to Henry Ford’s idea of offering you options in your choice of a car: “You can have any color you want as long as it’s black.”

In Wisconsin, however, they have been thwarted, at least for now. The Dean Phillips campaign (yes, he apparently even has a staff) stated: “Today, the Wisconsin Supreme Court struck a blow against the anti-democratic attempts by Biden allies to unlawfully keep Congressman Dean Phillips off the ballot. Voters in Wisconsin will now have the opportunity to vote for the candidate of their choice." They won’t vote for Dean Phillips in any significant numbers, but at least he’ll be on the ballot. We’re not a one-party state in which that party allows for the choice of only one slate of candidates. At least not yet.

     Related: Kamala Harris Warns That Trump Will Do What the Biden Regime Has Been Doing for Three Years

The contrast between the Democrats’ reality and their rhetoric couldn’t be more stark. It was less than two weeks ago that alleged Vice President Kamala Harris issued a somber warning: “November of nine— of 2024? Binary.” She didn’t mean that the 2024 election was “transphobic”; she meant that American voters would actually have two choices. But she went on to explain that if we had the poor judgment to choose one of them, that would be the last time we would ever have a choice at the ballot box:

And on the other side? You’ve got someone who has said that if he were back in office, he would weaponize the Department of Justice. Someone who has openly applauded insurrectionists as patriots. Someone who has said that they will go after their political enemies, and, and applauds dictators, indicating that he would be one. So let’s be really clear about what’s at stake. And then, yes, of course, there is then a desire that, let’s get out there, ‘cause we can’t lose this democracy. We can’t.

We can’t lose this “democracy,” but apparently we can’t use it, either. The Democrats will allow voters to choose any candidate they want, as long as it’s Old Joe Biden. Dean Phillips, despite the fact that he is a Democrat and therefore likely believes in all manner of insane myths, including the idea that men can become champion female swimmers and that poverty can be solved by confiscating ever more of the money that Americans work increasingly harder to earn, deserves the gratitude of all Americans. He has forced the Democrats, at least in Wisconsin, to behave as if they really believed the nonsense they spout about “our democracy.” They’ll protect “our democracy,” they tell us, and Dean Phillips, for the moment, will protect us from them.


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