'I Want to Cry': GOP House Members See Biden's Border Crisis Firsthand

AP Photo/Gregory Bull

It’s one thing to view the border crisis in the abstract as a series of numbers with no names with no stories about how the illegals got to the U.S., or who helped them. It’s not as easy to pontificate about illegal immigration when a small child who just walked 1,500 miles to get here shows up at a border checkpoint and surrenders.


When you see the human cost of Biden’s policies, you get a much bigger picture of the scope of the humanitarian crisis that has fallen off the front pages and newscast ledes as the American media goes silent to protect their man in the White House.

They don’t even bother to try and deflect blame for the chaos at the southern border because Biden has no defense. The crisis is just ignored, hoping — quite correctly — that the American people will forget about it and be distracted by other things.

Related: Why Are These Border-Jumpers Wearing Camo?

But somebody, somewhere, has to say something. And it fell to about a dozen Republican members of Congress to bear witness and report on the crisis. They traveled to the southern border and what they saw surprised them.

“I want to cry,” first-term Rep. Mary Miller (R-Ill.) told The Hill as she surveyed the growing crowd of children at around 1 a.m. on Wednesday.


“How sad it is that we’ve created this humanitarian crisis,” said Miller. “These desperate people think they can come in, which obviously our president has advertised this and facilitated this invasion.”

For some, it was a frustrating experience given how easy it was for the migrants to cross the Rio Grande and walk right across the border, but also one full of emotion as lawmakers inquired about the children’s names, ages and personal stories.

One unaccompanied 8-year-old Honduran boy, sporting a blue shirt and black pants, was discovered on the side of the road by two teenage migrant girls; they brought him to La Joya in hopes that he can reconnect with his mother and brother who live in the U.S.

Most of the members will join former President Donald Trump and Texas Governor Greg Abbott on Wednesday in Weslaco to talk to border officials. There will be photo ops at Trump’s wall and members will no doubt jockey for position to get into photos taken of the former president. But Rep. Madison Cawthorn summed up many of the feelings that GOP members were experiencing.

Cawthorn, who also had never been to the border, examined colored wristbands that Mexican cartels and smugglers recently have been putting on the migrants. Some of the wristbands read “entregas,” which means “deliveries” in Spanish.

“They’re basically treating people like Amazon products, saying that you’re delivered as if you are an asset being dropped off,” Cawthorn told The Hill. “There is no care that that is a human being, someone who has a soul, someone who has unalienable rights that predate any government. It’s sick.”


Meanwhile, the governments of Mexico and Central American countries don’t lift a finger to deal with the human smuggling or the mass exodus of their citizens to the United States.

And they won’t do anything about it as long as Joe Biden is president.



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