Don't Let Long Lines Keep You From Voting! Tailgate at the Polls Instead!

AP Photo/Ringo H.W. Chiu

Reports are coming in from all over the country that lines at polling places are very long. Whether it’s record turn-out or Chinese plague restrictions or a combo of both, don’t let it stop you. It seems to me that posting photos of all these long lines will have the effect of depressing turnout. If you have to call the boss and take a personal day, then do it. Bring a folding chair and a blanket for colder climates and make a day out of it, but don’t turn around and go home.


Lines like this are unprecedented and coronavirus restrictions surely are making it harder. But it’s good to see so many people who value voting in person. Mail-in voting has too many problems for me and I’d rather stand in line and see my ballot counted right there in front of me. While standing in long lines may make it harder to vote, it also is a good test of your commitment to have a say in your government.

Know your rights when you go to vote. If you’re in line by the time the polls close, you have a right to vote and no one can turn you away. Judicial Watch has good information for voters if you witness any funny business.


If your registration does not appear where it should, don’t leave. Get to the bottom of it. Call the election supervisor to help. It’s always a good idea to have proof of residency with you in case that happens. Several states also have same-day registration and voting. 

If machines go down, don’t go home. Whatever happens, stay to the bitter end. It’s my belief that a lot of this chaos is designed to push us into early voting and mail-in voting for future elections. But voting by mail is a recipe for fraud, as we have seen. Whatever obstacles they put in your way, get through, over, under, or around them. Some of you have waited in line for days to buy tickets to a football game or a concert. America is worth standing in line for even longer than that.

Trump supporters are very good at turning a long line into a tailgate party because they’ve been doing it for Trump rallies for years. And this is the biggest Trump rally of them all. So get down to your polling place with your cooler, your rain gear, your snow blankets, and chairs and cast your vote to Make America Great Again…again.



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