BREAKING: Rep. Comer Reveals Trove of Evidence Against Biden Crime Family

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

On Sunday, Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), the chair of the House Oversight Committee, claimed to have bombshell evidence regarding Joe Biden and his family. Comer has been studying bank records and consulting with whistleblowers, and he plans to release the evidence on Wednesday.


“My message to the Department of Justice is very loud and clear. Do not indict Hunter Biden before Wednesday,” Comer told Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures.

The White House responded by claiming that the allegations against the Biden family were “evidence-free.”

But one thing is clear: not only is there a trove of evidence, it’s rather damning evidence.

Comer emphasized that the committee’s investigation focused on President Biden and his family’s shady business deals that took advantage of Biden’s public office and posed a risk to national security. He stated, “I want to be clear, this committee is investigating President Biden and his family’s shady business deals that capitalize on Joe Biden’s public office and risked our country’s national security.”

Comer pointed out that many wire payments occurred while Joe Biden was vice president, citing an example of Biden’s involvement in Romania’s anti-corruption policies while his son and family were collecting money. He explained that the committee has evidence of Hunter Biden and his associates capitalizing on a financial relationship with a corrupt Romanian national, resulting in over $1 million being received by the Bidens through split payments via wire transfers. He noted that the payments stopped flowing from the Romanian nationals soon after Joe Biden left the vice presidency, highlighting a pattern of influence peddling.

Additional evidence was presented, including money from China funneled through the company of a Biden associate, Rob Walker, which is verifiable by bank records. Comer emphasized that the committee would not engage in witch hunts or deceive the public with empty promises, referring to the approach of Rep. Adam Schiff and other Democrats in the past.


Comer expressed his trust in the whistleblower and emphasized the significance of the subpoena as a powerful tool. He stated, “I trust the whistleblower. A subpoena from this committee is a powerful tool that I do not take lightly. The level of detail provided to Senator Grassley led me to conclude a subpoena was warranted, and I stand by that assessment.”

Congresswoman Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) also spoke, emphasizing the need to hold accountable those involved in possible corruption. She stated, “This could be the most corrupt scheme in American politics, where a sitting vice president… enriched [his] family from countries all over the world. We want everyone held accountable if they have violated their oath of office.”

Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) pointed out that many in the media were hellbent on accusing Trump of various things related to his business empire. But the key issue with the money that Joe Biden and his family were getting is that it was coming in despite there being no apparent business of the Bidens.

“[Trump] had a very big and legitimate business, which everybody in this room clearly knows and understands and can point to and say, ‘Ah, that’s the thing. That thing over there.’ Joe Biden has no business except his position and politics.”

Congressman Comer raised concerns about the financial transactions involving the Biden family, suggesting a connection between Joe Biden’s vice presidency and the money received by his relatives from foreign nations. He stated, “No one would legitimately believe it was mere coincidence that at least nine Biden family members were getting money from foreign nations while Joe Biden was vice president.”


Comer highlighted contradictions between the media’s claims and the evidence presented. He said, “The media said… no transactions happened while Joe Biden was vice president. We’ve proven that wrong. Joe Biden said during 2020 that his family never took any money from China today. We’ve proven that wrong.”

He expressed skepticism about Hunter Biden’s ability to convince foreign nationals to wire millions of dollars to multiple family members, saying, “It would be hard for me to believe that… Hunter Biden was so charismatic that he could convince foreign nationals to wire millions of dollars into not just his account, but eight of his family members’ accounts. We believe that there was a return on the investment for the investment that these countries were wiring money to the various Biden family members.”

Comer questioned the White House’s response to the allegations, suggesting that legitimate businesses would have invoices to support their transactions. He stated, “If these were legitimate payments, and those are legitimate businesses that your family created, then I would assume you have invoices.”

Highlighting the absence of legitimate Biden family businesses, Comer emphasized that the value they offered was through Joe Biden’s influence as vice president. He remarked, “The only service of value that could be provided was the influence Joe Biden had as vice president.”

When asked about the specific Biden family members who benefited from influence peddling schemes, Comer listed them, stating, “Joe Biden’s son, Joe Biden’s brother, Joe Biden’s brother’s wife, Hunter Biden’s girlfriend or Beau Biden’s widow—however you wanted to write that—Hunter Biden’s ex-wife, Hunter Biden’s current wife, and three children of the president’s son and the president’s brother.”


Comer highlighted the unusual nature of the financial arrangements, saying, “So we’re talking about a grandchild. That’s odd. Most people that work hard every day’s grandchild doesn’t get a wire from a foreign national or anything like that.”


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