White House Tries to Distance Biden From MLB Decision to Relocate All-Star Game, but We've Got the Receipts

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

In the wake of Major League Baseball’s controversial decision to relocate the All-Star Game from Atlanta, Georgia, the White House has been desperately trying to distance Joe Biden’s criticism of the law, and his support for MLB relocating the game from the MLB’s decision to do so.


Well, I guess the White House should have consulted with the MLB, because even the MLB is citing Biden’s criticism of the law in its decision to relocate

Major League Baseball announced on Friday that it will relocate the 2021 All-Star Game and MLB Draft, originally scheduled to take place in Atlanta, to a to-be-determined location.

The decision comes a little more than a week after the passage of S.B. 202, a Georgia law that President Joe Biden criticized earlier this week, saying that it will restrict voting access for residents of the state.

Commissioner Rob Manfred said in a statement that the decision to move the All-Star Game was “the best way to demonstrate our values as a sport” and was made after consultation with teams, former and current players, the MLB Players Association and The Players Alliance, among others.


Biden’s criticism of the law was so bad that even the Washington Post fact-checker gave him four Pinocchios for claiming the law restricts voting times.

Supporting MLB’s decision to relocate the All-Star Game has also caused blowback for Senator Raphael Warnock. “Businesses and organizations have great power in their voices and ability to push for change, and I respect the decision of the players to speak out against this unjust law,” Warnock said in a statement.


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