Ilhan Omar Thinks She Knows Why Michael Flynn Was Exonerated

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Many Americans cheered after the Department of Justice announced that they were dropping the charges against President Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn after it was revealed that FBI officials set up a perjury trap for Flynn. Such abuse by the FBI should send chills up the spines of freedom-loving Americans, but Rep. Ilhan Omar sees it differently. According to the freshman congresswoman from Minnesota, the Department of Justice dropped the charges against Flynn because of “white privilege.”


Omar was apparently unmoved by the fact that there was clear evidence of entrapment by FBI officials that prompted the DOJ to drop the case.

The Justice Department dropped the case following the release of internal memos indicating that agents tried to catch Flynn in a lie to “get him fired” as Trump’s adviser. Apparently, “white privilege” didn’t protect Flynn from being investigated and wiretapped by the corrupt Obama administration in the first place.

President Trump blasted the Obama administration for what they did to Flynn. “What the Obama administration did is unprecedented… It’s never happened. A thing like this has never happened before in the history of our country. I hope a lot of people are going to pay a big price because they’re dishonest, crooked people. They’re scum, and I say it a lot. They’re human scum. This should never have happened in this country.”



Matt Margolis is the author of Trumping Obama: How President Trump Saved Us From Barack Obama’s Legacy and the bestselling book The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama. You can follow Matt on Twitter @MattMargolis

RELATED: Notes Reveal FBI Tried to Catch Mike Flynn in a Lie to ‘Get Him Fired’ as Trump Adviser


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