Questioner at Biden Town Hall Was a Former Obama Administration Speechwriter

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

A lot of people tell me Joe Biden is a shoo-in and Donald Trump doesn’t stand a chance in 2020. I remain skeptical, for two reasons: 1) The same people said the same thing about Ol’ Whatsername in 2016, and they still can’t admit they were wrong; and 2) Journalists and other Democrats sure aren’t acting like they believe it. If Biden has got it locked, why are both Facebook and Twitter trying to censor news stories that could hurt him? And why do our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters in the press keep putting their thumb on the scale, sending in ringers to portray “undecided voters” during town hall events?


Tyler Owen, Fox News:

Two of the questioners at the ABC town hall featuring Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden on Thursday had ties to high-profile Democrats, including one questioner who previously worked as a speechwriter in the Obama administration.

One of the questioners at the ABC-hosted event was Nathan Osburn, a former speechwriter for the Obama [administration]. Osburn specifically worked for the Office of Public Affairs at the Commerce Department under the Obama-Biden administration and at the Small Business Administration…

Osburn was quoted in the Philadelphia Inquirer earlier this year as “a former Obama administration speechwriter” who had created a “Philly for Pete group” aimed at boosting former Democratic presidential primary candidate Pete Buttigieg.

Osburn was the guy who asked the question Biden attempted to answer here:

Oops! Well, the host of the event was a former hatchet man for the Clinton crime family, so I guess ABC figured any additional ethical lapses paled in comparison.


And this is the second week in a row that a major news organization has done this:

Those dueling town halls replaced the debate that was supposed to happen last night. The debate was canceled when Trump got the Chinese virus, yet NBC held a public event with him anyway. Why couldn’t there have been a debate instead? I guess they’re all more worried about Trump killing Biden than the much younger and healthier Savannah Guthrie.

Speaking of that canceled debate: Steve Scully, the former Biden intern who was supposed to have been the moderator, just admitted he lied about a hacker breaking into his Twitter account to ask Anthony Scaramucci for advice on dealing with Trump. It was obvious to even the most simple-minded observer that Scully was lying, yet a parade of journos and pundits lined up to vouch for his impartiality and professionalism. Now Scully has been suspended by C-SPAN, at least until it blows over and they all pretend it never happened.


They keep doing this stuff because they want Trump out of office. They’ve given up pretending to care about anything else. If it’s so glaringly obvious even to a truly impartial observer like me, do these knuckleheads really think they’re fooling Trump voters? Eight long years of Obama worship made half the country hate the media. The subsequent four years of Trump demonization has only intensified MAGA Nation’s hatred of these condescending frauds. A lot of people can’t wait to vote against the self-appointed gatekeepers who talk down to them every waking minute of their lives.

I get it. I don’t agree with it, but I get it. I don’t blame them one bit. Election Day is their chance to talk back.

That’s why I think Biden’s gonna get stomped. Just my gut feeling. All these well-coiffed whores wouldn’t be doing all this clumsy, panicky, cheap-shot bull$#!+ if they thought Joe had a chance on his own. If I’m wrong, feel free to throw it in my face.

In the meantime: Nothing but respect for my president.


What’s that you say, Republicans? You love the IRS? Okay, then, no need to stand by this guy.

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The Fix Was Always In: C-SPAN Suspends Steve Scully, Moderator Scheduled for 2nd Debate


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