WATCH: Democrats Panic Over Persons of Color™ Fleeing Electoral Plantation

(AP Photo/John Locher)

MSNBC earlier today was discussing with its crack panel of election experts and pollsters a new poll jointly released on August 1 by the New York Times and Siena College that delivers some bad news regarding the Brandon entity’s popularity, or lack thereof, with certain key demographics.


Via New York Times (emphasis added):

Deep pessimism persists, even among some Democrats who back Mr. Biden. Among those who want to see Mr. Biden as the party’s nominee next year, 14 percent said the country’s problems were so bad that the nation was at risk of failing.

Despite that, Mr. Biden is leading Mr. Trump among the same groups that helped solidify his victory in 2020: women, suburban voters, college-educated white voters and Black voters. But he seems to show early signs of potential vulnerability with Hispanic voters, who have shifted toward Republicans in recent elections.

Mr. Biden’s approval rating of 39 percent is historically poor for an incumbent president seeking re-election, but it has risen from 33 percent last July. The latest poll found that 23 percent of registered voters thought the country was on the right track — a low number for Mr. Biden, but better than the 13 percent of Americans who believed the same a year ago. More Americans than a year ago now think the economy is in excellent or good shape: 20 percent, compared with 10 percent in 2022.

Consternation over the Brandon entity’s lagging performance with racial minorities — the lynchpin of Democrat electoral strategy — is nothing new; pollsters identified the trend months ago.

Related: Black Voters in Georgia Aren’t Automatically Lining up Behind Joe Biden

Biden’s most obvious replacement candidate, the Karamel-uh entity, is doing horrifically with the base. Per the NYT/Siena College poll, a mere 26% of the respondents reported they would be “enthusiastic” about Kamala taking over the ticket.


Here’s the question that the governing class never bothers to ask itself, for obvious reasons: if Trump is guilty of insurrection and whatever other betrayals to the country, and he’s an irredeemable deplorable, and no one likes him, as the corporate state media often claim (sometimes all at once), what does that say about their guy, the Brandon entity, who can’t seem to break away from his apparent dead heat with Trump, even despite the targeted prosecutions and nonstop smears in virtually all of the legacy media all of the time?

If Trump had the institutional backing of the mainstream media and Deep State, and Biden were the one on the outs, does anyone honestly believe they would be deadlocked at 50/50 after seven straight years of character assassinations and lawfare? Cut the malarkey, Jack.


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