'Zero-COVID' Cultists Accuse 'Anti-Maskers' of Kitten Murder

(AP Photo/Audubon Center for Research of Endangered Species)

To “Zero-COVID” cult members, no crime outweighs the refusal of mRNA gene therapies, the eschewing of masks, and the rejection of state-mandated self-imprisonment in one’s home for an indefinite period of time until SARS-CoV-2 disappears, which even corporate media definitively acknowledges will never happen.


Via the Daily Mirror:

Covid sufferers have been told not to cuddle pets while ill after a cat died from the virus it caught from its owner.

The kitten had to be put down aged four months after developing breathing trouble. Glasgow University researchers said SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid, was found in her lungs.

They believe it may have triggered the pneumonia that killed her.

A second case of human-to-cat Covid-19 transmission in the UK was also identified by the team who conducted screening of the cat population.

The six year old female came from another household in another region of England where an owner had tested positive for the disease.

This is next-level stupid.

First of all, how the determination was made that the pet owner transmitted the virus to their cat is not clear at all. It could have just as easily been transmitted from cat to person or from a third party to both simultaneously, like from a visitor to the house.

Second, finding traces of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, assuming that we can rely on PCR testing in the first place, which isn’t at all established, does not indicate the seriousness of the illness or whether an individual experiences symptoms at all.


This is why people (or animals in theory) can test positive for COVID-19 but not exhibit any symptoms. Viral traces do not equal active infection. Furthermore, turning up the cycle on PCR tests has been shown to produce false positives. Crank it high enough, and you are virtually guaranteed to get an inaccurate positive result. Other facts like acidity can also trigger false positives.

Third, everyone who participates in human society is going to come into contact with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Even the Public Health™ demigods, who previously promised that their mRNA shots would eradicate COVID as the “ticket out of the pandemic,” acknowledge that COVID-19 will inevitably become endemic throughout the world, meaning it will permanently remain in circulation like the cold or flu, likely becoming progressively less dangerous over time.

But none of these facts will get in the way of Zero-COVID cultists’ accusations of kitten genocide against lockdown skeptics and/or “anti-maskers.”


Replying to the post, one user writes “Masking saves all kinds of lives. RIP little cutie pie.” Mike David says, “Maybe this will be what changes minds. They may not care about the elderly and immunocomprimised [sic], but they will draw the line ar cute kittens dying.”

Ann Marie Pincivero (Ukraine flag in bio) offers a string of masking hashtags to eulogize the kitten slain at the hands of anti-Science™ MAGA terrorists: “💔 Poor kitty! Pets can’t mask but people can! They need to protect their pets! But when they won’t even protect their children I guess there’s little hope of that?! #BringBackMasks #WearAMask #N95 #SARS2 #LongCovid #MassDisabling #ProtectKids #ProtectPets #PetsGetCovidToo”


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