Does Bill Gates' Lab Meat Cause Cancer?

IdentiGEN Ltd.

To further the anti-meat agenda, as well as to protect Bill Gates’ $75 million investment in the industry, the mainstream media trips over itself to market these products as “safe and effective,” so to speak.


(As I explored in a previous article on the anti-meat propaganda emanating from, numerous vegan groups selling the lifestyle fund the website.)

You will eat ze bugs and you will be happy, to paraphrase unelected WEF overlord Klaus Schwab.

Related: There’s Nothing Beyond Meat: Plant-Based ‘Meat’ Sales Take a Serious Pruning

But how healthy are Impossible Burgers and other synthetic meats, which contain soy as their primary protein source mixed with heart-stopping seed oils, synthetic hemoglobin (the natural version of which lends meat its flavor), and synthetic “binders” to hold the Frankenslop together?

Via Bloomberg:

The big honking asterisk is that normal meat cells don’t just keep dividing forever. To get the cell cultures to grow at rates big enough to power a business, several companies, including the big three, are quietly using what are called immortalised cells, something most people have never eaten intentionally. Immortalised cells are a staple of medical research, but they are, technically speaking, pre-cancerous and can be, in some cases, fully cancerous.

You might get cancer, but you’ll be saving the polar bears, who, according to climate evangelists like Al Gore, can’t swim.

Of course, since you are a greedy, selfish breather, your death, like your Impossible Burger diet in life, would be a net positive for the climate. Carbon is a universal evil, especially when passed from human lungs.


The problem with anyone who claims that synthetic “meat” (if it must be called that) is safe is that, like the mRNA injections we were force-fed, there is simply no data to support that assertion.

The only way to conclusively demonstrate that synthetic meat, which has never been consumed by humans throughout millions of years of evolution, is actually safe is to conduct long-term studies spanning decades that compare control group outcomes to experimental group outcomes.

Yet claims of safety are made with such confidence that normies who still foolishly trust in the benevolence of the overlord will take such assurances at face value.

In the unwitting service of promulgating propaganda, they will label anyone who claims anything to the contrary, or even simply calls for more scrutiny, a “conspiracy theorist.”

Around and around we go on the disinformation carousel.

 “A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth puts on its shoes.”
— Mark Twain


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