
What Did Kamala Harris Know About Iran's Election Interference?

AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein

As we previously reported, U.S. investigators revealed that Iranian hackers sent stolen, sensitive information from the Trump campaign directly to the Biden-Harris campaign earlier this summer. Now the Trump campaign wants answers, and we all deserve them, especially since it appears that the Biden-Harris administration has tried to divert our attention from the looming threat of Iranian election interference.

In a joint statement from the FBI, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, officials stated Wednesday that "Iranian malicious cyber actors in late June and early July sent unsolicited emails to individuals then associated with President Biden’s campaign that contained an excerpt taken from stolen, non-public material from former President Trump’s campaign." Additionally, these hackers have continued their efforts to send similar stolen material to U.S. media organizations since June.

Related: Iran Hacked Trump Campaign, Sent Stolen Material to Biden-Harris Campaign

When a foreign enemy is actively handing over stolen information to a sitting president’s campaign and the media to block Trump’s return to the Oval Office, that’s a big deal. While federal officials maintain that there is “currently no information” indicating that anyone from the Biden-Harris team replied to these emails, I’m skeptical. And so is the Trump campaign.

“This is further proof the Iranians are actively interfering in the election to help Kamala Harris and Joe Biden because they know President Trump will restore his tough sanctions and stand against their reign of terror,” Trump Campaign National Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt said in a statement that PJ Media received. “Kamala and Biden must come clean on whether they used the hacked material given to them by the Iranians to hurt President Trump. What did they know and when did they know it?”

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These are fair questions. Did Biden-Harris campaign officials disregard the unsolicited communications? Did they open them and review the contents? Or were they aware and simply chose not to act? 

Let's not forget that earlier this month, the big story from the Biden-Harris administration was accusing Russia of a sustained effort to influence the 2024 presidential election. Don't you think it’s interesting that the Biden-Harris campaign was getting hacked materials from Iran, and then the Biden-Harris administration decided to push a new election interference narrative about Russia?

Instead of going full-throttle against Iran for hacking and stealing campaign materials, the campaign went after people promoting memes and videos on social media that it said were part of a misinformation campaign to help Trump.

The big question I have is: Why did the Biden-Harris administration push the Russian interference red herring earlier this month when it knew that Iran was doing far more significant election interference to help Joe Biden and Kamala Harris?

Somehow, I think I just answered the question.


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