
This Week Could Change the Trajectory of the 2024 Campaign Again

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A few short weeks ago, the 2024 presidential campaign was flipped on its head when Joe Biden dropped out after weeks of an intense pressure campaign from within his own party, and Kamala Harris was undemocratically selected as the new nominee. Since then, her campaign has enjoyed a pronounced honeymoon period that now appears to be ending. Now that the Democratic National Convention is starting Monday, she could, in theory, get another boost, but it could also catapult Trump back into the lead.

At the time that Joe Biden dropped out, Donald Trump had a 3.1-point average lead in the national average. Now, Kamala has a shaky 1.4-point average lead. This may be her ceiing, or close to it, and that's a huge problem for her. Polling experts have suggested that she needs as much as a three- or four-point average lead to translate into an Electoral College victory—and that's before you even account for the possibility that the polls are once again underestimating support for Trump, as they did in 2016 and 2020. 

Related: Another Humiliating Rally for Kamala Harris

The current RealClearPolitics Electoral College map shows Trump winning in a nail-biter race 276-262, with the most recent state to flip to Harris being Arizona—which is largely due to a questionable NY Times/Siena poll showing Harris up 5 points. I have no doubt the polls will show things have settled down within a couple of weeks, and this week, which ought to be a huge boon for Kamala Harris, could put the final nail in the coffin of her honeymoon bounce.

According to various reports, anywhere from tens of thousands to over a hundred thousand antisemitic leftists are descending upon Chicago to protest the Israel-Hamas war and wreak havoc at the Democrats' convention. Local businesses have already started boarding up their windows and doors as they brace for riots and looting. Violence is coming, and everyone knows it.

Related: Even An Obama Economist is Trashing Kamala's Price Control Plan

Pro-Palestinian protesters considered not going ahead with their plans to protest after Kamala took the spot at the top of the ticket because of her being more publicly anti-Israel than Joe Biden, but, in the end, they decided that it didn't make a difference who topped the ticket.

“We all came to a consensus that it’s not going to make a difference, that [Harris] represents this administration,” Hatem Abudayyeh, chair of the U.S. Palestinian Community Network, told Politico. “We’re going to stay full steam ahead.”

After weeks of a carefully choreographed campaign launch that has been heavily scripted, the convention may be a true emperor-has-no-clothes moment for the Harris-Walz campaign and the Democratic Party.

“Riots would put the Democratic Party’s weakest point on full display,” Adam Swart, a protest expert, told PJ Media. “It’s challenging for the Democratic Party to say they’re the party of normalcy and calm amidst the backdrop of riots and chaos.”

Riots at their convention certainly didn't help them back in 1968.

Cracks have already started forming in the insulated bubble surrounding Kamala Harris. The liberal media has blasted her absurd economic policy proposals, and even called her out for not conducting interviews or holding press conferences. Massive protests and riots at the Democratic National Convention this week will be a huge distraction from the carefully manufactured production of the convention theatrics.

And then, next month, we have the debates... assuming Kamala Harris shows up.


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