
Biden Allegedly Has Dementia. What’s Kamala Harris’s Excuse?

AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough

Regardless of whether anyone steps up to challenge Kamala Harris for the Democrat Party's nomination, it seems inevitable that she will ultimately succeed. After Joe Biden selected her as his running mate, it was widely believed that Biden, if elected, would resign at some point to allow her to ascend to the presidency or simply choose not to seek reelection. The expectation was always that Biden wasn't going to last any more than one term. We all saw his cognitive deficiencies, yet the left refused to concede what was before their very eyes.

For years, the media and the Democratic Party have told us that everything was fine with Joe Biden. They assured us that Biden was sharp, articulate, and even "a beast." Of course, after the debate, the curtain had been pulled back, and it was clear that everyone was lying. Reports were promptly leaked detailing Biden's troubling behavior behind closed doors and how his inner circle sought to keep him in a bubble. 

Of course, as president, Biden can't always stay out of sight and out of mind, and his public appearances have allowed conservative media to point out for years that the man is not well and likely suffering from some form of dementia.

We've seen the freeze-ups and verbal gaffes. We've been suggesting Biden has dementia for years now, and no one listened.

Now that it looks likely that Harris will be the Democratic nominee — though I should point out that's hardly set in stone — the media and the Democratic Party are working overtime to rehabilitate her image. That's an extremely tall order. After all, like Biden, Harris has been out there in the public eye nearly daily for three and a half years, and we have the receipts.

One of my favorite lines about Kamala is that her experience as a prosecutor will serve her well in the campaign. Really? Then why was she such a terrible candidate in 2020 that she dropped out before a single primary election had taken place? Harris was like Biden in 2008. No one cared about him. And just as Biden needed Barack Obama to make him relevant, Harris needed Biden to pull her out of the trash heap of terrible Democratic candidates to make her a viable candidate.

But Biden's verbal gaffes were some sort of age-related issue. What's Kamala's excuse? For years, the only other person we've covered who has had nearly as many word salads as Biden is Harris. She's 59 years old — the youthful part of the Biden-Harris ticket. What's her excuse for her frequent embarrassing gaffes?

Again, Biden allegedly has dementia. What's her excuse?


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