Biden Admin Tampered With Evidence, Altered Biden’s Hur Interview Transcript

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

The Biden Justice Department claims that the reason it doesn’t want to release the audio of Joe Biden’s interview with special counsel Robert Hur is because it's worried about AI deepfakes.


"Disclosure of that record is unwarranted," the DOJ said in a court filing. "Release of the audio recording would threaten critical law enforcement interests by chilling the potential cooperation of witnesses in current and future sensitive investigations. In addition, disclosure would constitute a significant invasion of privacy. ... These privacy harms are amplified by the threat of malicious manipulation of audio files that has recently become much more acute."

That sounds suspect, don’t you think? So what is the real reason? Perhaps it’s because the White House tampered with evidence.

According to Judicial Watch, the White House has admitted that it manipulated the public transcript of Biden’s interview with special counsel Robert Hur to make Biden appear more mentally competent. 

Judicial Watch announced that the White House admitted in a federal court that the transcript of President Joe Biden’s testimony to Special Counsel Robert Hur is not accurate and is missing “filler words (such as ‘um’ or ‘uh’)” and words that “may have been repeated when spoken (such as ‘I, I’ or ‘and, and’)” which were sometimes “only listed a single time in the transcripts.”

Here’s what the DOJ filing says:


14. The interview transcripts are accurate transcriptions of the words of the interview contained in the audio recording, except for minor instances such as the use of filler words (such as “um” or “uh”) when speaking that are not always reflected on the transcripts, or when words may have been repeated when spoken (such as “I, I” or “and, and”) but sometimes was only listed a single time in the transcripts. Besides these exceedingly minor differences, based on my simul­taneous review of the transcripts while listening to the audio recording, the transcripts accurately capture the words spoken during the interview on the audio recording with no material differences between the audio recording and transcripts. None of the minor differences include any audible substantive exchanges – that is, based on my review, there is no material omission of words be­ tween the audio recording and transcripts. Special Counsel Hur and FBI personnel who attended the interview and compared the audio recording to the transcripts also informed me of their determination that the transcripts accurately reflect the words spoken on the audio recording aside from the minor instances I described above. Special Counsel Hur emphasized to me that it was important for purposes of his investigation that the interview transcripts be accurate. 


The DOJ can claim the differences between the audio and the transcript are "exceedingly minor differences,” but seriously, who do they think they’re fooling?

Previous: Is Joe Biden Getting Into Witness Tampering Now?

“Wow. Judicial Watch’s FOIA lawsuit forced the Biden team to admit what everyone suspected – that the transcript is not accurate and was changed in a way to help Biden,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. “There is nothing ordinary about this, and the transcript inaccuracy issues seem to help Biden’s political campaign needs. We today initiated a new FOIA request on this Biden’s Nixonian tape scandal.”

Now it all makes sense. If you read the Hur transcripts, you likely thought they were damning enough, but how much worse is the audio? It’s no mistake that the Biden administration is so aggressively fighting the release of the audio.


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