
Biden Is Driving Black Voters to Trump

AP Photo/Charles Krupa

The Democratic Party needs black voters firmly in their column if they want to hold onto power, and PJ Media readers know by now that Joe Biden is bleeding support from this important demographic at a time he can't afford to. 

Biden won 87% of black vote in 2020, but a recent poll from USA Today and Suffolk University found that Biden has the support of just 63% of black voters. Other polls have found similar declines. A NYT/Sienna College poll from November found that in six swing states, 71% of black voters will back Biden in 2024, a huge drop from the 92% who supported him in 2020.

Now, this doesn't necessarily mean they're flocking to Trump... but they might. Despite Biden's unprecedented pandering to black and other minority communities, his policies aren't lifting them up, and they're not so willing to just blindly vote Democrat again.

MSNBC's Trymaine Lee recently observed that black male voters "seem to be — or at least they're more vocal about — exploring their options," in this year's presidential election. "Obviously, black voters have been very consistent in voting for Democrats," he observed. "But there are a number of issues that have black men, especially again, considering their choices."

And the key issue is the economy.

"I just think that Donald Trump, in spite of all the craziness he may have in his head, reading some of the things that he talks about with business, I can kind of agree with as far as business-wise because I'm trying to grow my business,” Thomas Murray said. "Biden — I haven't seen Biden really care about business like that. And my concern is, having my business so that I can build generational wealth so my kids can see it as something to take upon when I'm not here."

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One of the younger voters of the group, Kinard Givens, noted that, for him and his friends, the contrast between Trump and Biden is more apparent because they've been the only options they've been in a position to vote for.

"We've only voted once, you know, for president. And Trump is kind of all we know — Trump and Biden — They're like, 'Well, we were broke with Biden, we weren't when Trump.' And that's kind of the only thing that I'm hearing over and over again over and over again."

While some could dismiss these men's stories as anecdotal, these men are telling us what polls have been showing for months now. And the signs are very ominous for Biden.

"Black voters in South Carolina mirror trends among black voters nationally. So, what happens here could be an indicator of what's to come," Todd Shaw, a University of South Carolina political science professor, told the BBC.

All the pandering in the world can't stop black voters from voting in their best interests, and the polls are showing they're realizing in larger numbers that supporting Biden isn't in their best interests. It's conceivable that before long they'll abandon the Democratic Party all together.


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