
Do Democrats Really Want Trump As the Nominee?

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

Donald Trump appears to be on the verge of being the last Republican standing as polls show his lead in New Hampshire growing and Nikki Haley's star fading fast.

And some are saying this is exactly what the Democrats wanted. For over a year now, we've heard them say that Trump simply can't win the general election and that he's the candidate that Biden wants to face in November.

"President Biden‘s team believes that Trump becoming the presumptive Republican nominee for president would give a much-needed jolt of energy to voters and grassroots donors who don’t want to see Trump back in the White House," Axios reported.

According to the report, the Biden campaign believes that most undecided voters haven't tuned into the election yet, and they "believe the dynamics of the campaign will change significantly once those voters realize it really will be a Biden-Trump matchup in November."

On top of that, the report says that Democrat strategists close to the campaign believe that "as good as Trump is at mobilizing his MAGA movement, he’s also one of the best motivators of Democrats that the strategists have ever seen."

It's not just Democrats who think Trump is the key to Biden winning a second term. Anti-Trump Republicans have been saying it for a long time and have become convinced this is reality. But let's talk about the Democrats for now and how they are literally just talking out of their donkeys.

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According to at least one poll, a huge portion of Democrats, a whopping 81%, support the efforts to remove Trump from the ballot in various states. Well, gee, do you want to run against the guy or not? If you really believe he can't win because he's such a motivator for Biden voters, why stand in the way of that? 

The whole point of these challenges to his eligibility is the fear that he can and will win. The same thing goes with the bogus criminal charges. They are trying to prevent Trump from winning. The left has gone through tremendous efforts to ensure that he can't run or serve. If Democrats truly believed he was unelectable, they'd be boosting him.

Some argue that these lawfare efforts to thwart Trump's candidacy were designed to boost Trump among GOP primary voters. But the polls show that gambling on the idea that Trump can't win is terrible idea. As far as general election polling is concerned, Trump has never looked better. As of this writing, he's leading in the RealClearPolitics average by roughly three points. Not once during the 2020 election cycle did Trump eclipse Biden in the RCP average.

"But, but, but! The polls are rigged to show him winning, so voters will rally behind him," some say.

Don't be stupid. Polls are often wrong, but that's because polling is not an exact science. To believe that the polls are artificially boosting Trump is to believe that every polling outfit is colluding with the rest to inflate Trump's support or that conservative-leaning pollsters have been the same. It makes no sense.

Furthermore, to the Biden campaign's belief that once Trump is the nominee, it will create a jolt to their efforts, is there any reason to believe that voters haven't been expecting a Trump/Biden rematch for over a year now?

So let's not play any more games. Trump can clearly win, and Democrats are terrified about it. And they should be.


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