Herschel Walker Leads Warnock in Three Straight Polls

AP Photo/Akili-Casundria Ramsess

I’ve been upfront about the fact that I’ve been very pessimistic about this year’s Senate race in Georgia. Frankly, I’ve had my concerns about the Peach State in general since they elected not one but two Democrats to the U.S. Senate in 2021, giving Democrats the majority in the upper chamber of Congress. Still, I believed it was just a fluke and assumed we’d be regaining those seats in no time. But Donald Trump endorsed Herschel Walker, who hasn’t exactly been the most formidable opponent, and I admit, after months of trailing Warnock in the polls, I figured Walker doomed the GOP in this race.


Until recently, anyways. After Walker had a solid performance in his debate with Sen. Warnock, he not only closed the gap with Warnock but took the lead. Earlier this week, a poll from Trafalgar/Daily Wire showed Walker ahead by just over two points.

There have been two more polls since then, and both show Walker ahead. The latest Rasmussen poll has Walker up five points, and a new InsiderAdvantage poll has Walker up three points. That makes three polls this week showing Walker in the lead.

Walker also leads in the RealClearPolitics average by 1.6 points. Two weeks ago, Warnock had an RCP average lead of 2.4 points.

This week, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer also appeared to concede that Walker is headed toward victory. “The state where we’re going downhill is Georgia,” Schumer told Biden in a hot mic moment. “It’s hard to believe that they will go for Herschel Walker.”


Believe it, Chuck.


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