Did a Professor Advocate for Child Sex Work?

(Jordan Kartholl /Journal & Courier via AP, File)

Here at PJ Media, we have often reported on the madness that has embraced college campuses over the last two decades. And if you missed any of those articles, you need only look at what has been unfolding at various “institutions of higher learning” across the United States this week.


Some of this is attributable to the ’60s holdovers who sought to pass their politics and ideas of social change on to the next generation — and in large part, they have succeeded. Some of it is due to various organizations and movements that understand that, in many cases, the college mind is still more vulnerable to emotion than intellect. In any event, there is plenty of blame to go around. The problem with educational jihad is that the chaotic mindset eventually spreads to every facet of thought and begins to attack anything that even remotely smacks of tradition or heaven forfend might be commensurate with conservative values. This can lead to people embracing not just insane ideas but evil ones.

Case in point: Campus Reform notes that last month, Johns Hopkins University history professor Jules Gill-Peterson was attending the Socialism 2023 Conference in Chicago. During a panel discussion, she was talking to a sex worker activist named Chanel, who spoke about child sex trafficking “conspiracy theories” and speculated about children in the sex industry as part of children’s liberation. Gill-Peterson advised that there was a need to create a mass movement to ensure the rights of child sex workers.


If you think this means protecting children’s basic human rights by keeping them safe and preventing them from being trafficked for prostitution or pornography, you would be wrong. No, Gill-Peterson seems to be advocating for child sex work. For proof, I submit this audio of Chanel’s question obtained by Karlyn Borysenko, who then summarized Gill-Peterson’s response:

Borysenko told Campus Reform that it seemed as if the people in attendance thought children should have the right to engage in sex work. She added that a prior discussion included abolishing the age of consent and that the exchange above came after a lengthy discussion about “liberating” children from their parents.

Related: Dance, Shimmy, and Gesticulate: Democrats Fight for the Right to Be Perverts


If one wants to liberate children, why not liberate them from sex work instead of encouraging them to engage in it? Make no mistake: the Left is not engaging in discussing hypothetical situations here. This is not pushing the boundaries and playing the devil’s advocate for the sake of debate. The denizens of today’s Left are not the annoying in-law or uncle with whom you used to argue about Obamacare over pumpkin pie at the holidays. In fact, I’m feeling kind of nostalgic for those days. Today’s Leftists are committed to a unique and sinister brand of “change” that is really just a synonym for destruction. And they will not be satisfied until everyone has been brought down to their level.


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