How the West Was Woke, to the Point of Near Extinction

AP Photo/Charlie Riedel

The globalists' plan to conquer the West is, sadly, quite simple and has been exceedingly successful. Part of the Pinko plan includes:

  • taking over the news media
  • selling victimization to minorities and blaming "colonizers"
  • convincing white people that any criticism of a minority makes that person a "racist"
  • gavaging minorities, especially Muslims, into Western nations full of white people who have been trained to believe that criticizing Muslims, even after they've raped thousands of Western women, is a sign of "Islamophobia"
  • taking over courts, law enforcement agencies, and every institution possible
  • repeating the above until America has fallen

FACT-O-RAMA! The globalists' plan to make everyone fear being called a racist was so successful that British police refused to arrest hundreds of rapists because the animals were mostly Pakistani Muslims and the cops didn't want to appear "racist." The sexual assaults occurred unabated for almost 20 years. The press dutifully played their part and referred to the rapists as "Asian Grooming gangs" when the news finally broke, and thus dodged blaming the guilty.

So Muslim men poured into Christian nations, believing that raping non-muslim women is a "holy act"  (more on that in a bit) -- and if the women complain they are considered bigots. What could go wrong?

Nothing went wrong; it was all part of the globalists' plan.

COMMIE PINKO-RAMA!  There are two groups of Marxists: the elites, most of whom don't believe in Marxism and make themselves wealthy; and the street-level "useful idiots" like Antifa. Your purple-haired simp-in-law is likely a useful idiot. Zhe won't realize it made a mistake until zhis gay friends are falling from buildings.

This social conditioning -- being told we are racists if we criticize minorities who commit crimes -- is working wonders here in the U.S. as well. 

The fear of being labeled a "racist" is so powerful that half the nation remains quiet as our cowardly, globalist president invites our replacements (when I say replacements I mean they will replace ALL Americans, not just us pesky peckerwoods), as many as eight to ten million of them, and says nothing because they are afraid of being called a racist. Naturally, most Americans do not know about the rape epidemic in the UK because the news media, most of which is dominated by the commies, hasn't told them. But if you want to see America in seven years, look to see what is happening in England today.


To see how successful the plan is, please take a minute to read how my lib friend almost had his brains relocated onto NYC's 42nd Street because he felt that crossing the street to dodge a scary-looking black man, who his natural instincts warned him was a threat, would make him a racist.

     RELATED:  How 'Woke' Social Conditioning Almost Cost My Friend His Life and Is Killing Our Nation

"Woke" social conditioning is so successful that young gay people, calling themselves "Queers for Palestine," march with the same Muslims who, if and when they get the chance, will cut off their tolerant gay heads.

The globalists' onslaught is not just the work of the left. I recall lying in my Brooklyn bed watching George W. Bush tell me that Islam is a religion of peace, as I breathed the acrid remains of my fellow New Yorkers' bodies burning in what was left of the World Trade Center.

Twitter/X is full of videos of white Europeans being pummelled by hordes of people invited to leave their own nations and take over their host country, many of whom believe their Bible, the Qu'ran, give them permission to rape and assault filthy infidels.

Mind you that merely pointing this fact out can get you fined in places like Germany that have all but surrendered to their migrant replacements.

     RELATED: Ignore the Shocking Number of Rapes Committed by 'Newcomers' or You'll Be Punished, You Bigot

     ALSO RELATED:  SHOCKING: How Many European Women Will Be Raped Before Their Leaders Do Something About Those 'Refugees?'


     STILL MORE RELATED: The Discovery From Denmark's Crime Stats That the Left Doesn't Want You to See

There are also other parts to the globalists' plan, almost all of which stem from the 45 goals of Communism to take over America:

What better way to "fundamentally change America" than to brainwash people into believing their country is a garbage nation full of "racists."

As you may have heard, Biden is turning his Marxism level to 11 and may invite Gazans -- with all their yummy, Western-hating ideology -- to the U.S. to enjoy the same gravy train as our other replacements. We pay for the food, hotels, and medical bills of the "newcomers" as they stomp our police and begin their own rape epidemic.

So the Bolshie table has been set. Millions of people from different cultures -- even cultures that hate us -- are being funneled in by our own government (and you pick up the tab). The media keeps quiet about the absurd level of sexual and other crimes being committed by "asylum seekers" in Europe and the U.S. You're a "bigot" if you don't want your daughter raped, but don't dare voice your opinion. And that Gadsden flag baseball cap makes you the enemy of the state.

What could go wrong? Nothing is going wrong because, once again, it's all part of the plan.

In reality, race isn't the issue. It's culture. Muslims believe raping non-Muslim women is acceptable, as is forcing Muslim women to cover themselves from head to toe. Beating them into Cheeto dust is acceptable if they "disobey."


But they will call me a racist for writing this and you a bigot for reading it.


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