
You Guessed It: California's 'Dungeon on Wheels' Suspect Is an Illegal Alien

AP Photo/Juan Karita

An alleged serial rapist Eduardo Sarabia, 39, was arrested while raping a 26-year-old woman, his second victim in two days, in what is being described as a "rape dungeon on wheels." Police believe Sarabia's rape spree lasted more than two days.

Sarabia is an illegal alien and a transient. He is just one among a rash of illegal aliens busted for sexually assaulting women and kids this year.

Officials from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department arrested Sarabia as he was assaulting a woman in a white 2015 Ford van with no windows in the back, which cops described as being "disgustingly outfitted for rape."

Cops began looking for Sarabia after a woman escaped from the van in a remote region of the San Gabriel mountains. According to a Facebook post by the Los Angeles Police Department, cops from the Special Victims Unit are looking for more victims.

FACT-O-RAMA! A liberal California judge was recalled for handing a light sentence to Brock Turner, who was convicted of sexually assaulting a woman. The state passed a new law that implemented mandatory sentences for rapists. Incredibly, the commie rag Rolling Stone bemoaned that the law would be harsh on rapists who are minorities. Shouldn't all rapists be punished?

Cops revealed that Sarabia hunted for victims at the El Monte train station.

Los Angeles' limp-on-crime, Soros-funded District Attorney George Gascón, whom many believe is responsible for the crime explosion currently shredding the City of Angels, released a statement:

As District Attorney, it is my solemn duty to pursue justice for victims of violent crimes, especially those involving sexual assault. The horrific and violent sexual assault that these two survivors endured by the alleged suspect is deeply troubling and incomprehensible. Our thoughts are with the victims during this tremendously difficult time. Thank you to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department for their swift investigation to present this case to our office. I want to emphasize that this is an ongoing investigation, and there may be additional victims who have yet to come forward. I urge anyone who has been affected by similar incidents to contact law enforcement and seek available resources.

Sarabia was charged with one count of forcible oral copulation and one count of forcible rape. Shockingly, Gascón's office is keeping him in jail with no bond. If convicted, he faces life in prison.  

FACT-O-RAMA! Gascón once sentenced a 26-year-old transamabob rapist to a mere two years in a juvenile facility after the brute violated a 10-year-old girl back when the attacker was 17.

Sarabia is just one of numerous illegal immigrants arrested for rape in the last few months. The number of attacks is terrifying. Here are just a few:

Hiuder Pedro Javier Sacul Caal was arrested Wednesday for raping a minor in Virginia. A Venezuelan was busted after raping a 14-year-old, also in Virginia.

A 20-year-old illegal immigrant abducted an 11-year-old girl and raped her in a van as her mother pounded on the side of the vehicle and screamed. Another animal was arrested for sexually assaulting a teen girl in Boston.

Three girls, one as young as 11, were gang raped in a house full of illegal immigrants in Bemidji, Minn. Only one man was arrested but was later released. No charges were filed though the 11-year-old girl was found to have the DNA of numerous men on her. The victim's angry family believes the lack of arrests is because the victim is a Native American. 


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