Trump Indictment, Part II: This Time, It's Personal — Against YOU

AP Photo/Charles Krupa

The “system,” i.e. the American uniparty, DOJ, FBI, the globalists, (think Klaus Schwab, the UN, and the fecal-headed miscreants in the World Health Organization), and the Chinese communists are persecuting the one man who can stop these tyrants from taking over the world.


And they aren’t doing it covertly. They are doing it out in the open daylight, because they want us to see what happens to outliers who are bad for business. They are sending a message. That message is simple: “we will do what we want and we aren’t afraid of you.”

Imagine a guy looking you in the eyes as he grabs your wife’s a** and says, “Yeah, so what are you gonna do about it? Nothing? I thought so.” That is what they are doing.

Now, it’s personal.

FACT-O-RAMA! Watch your politicians to see who opposes the Stasi-like persecution of Donald Trump and — more importantly — who remains silent. The silent politicians who say nothing need to be voted out. They are your enemies. Peacefully vote them to the cornfield.

The DOJ has clearly been weaponized for Biden and the Chinese commies who own him.

As our own Catherine Delgado pointed out, the DOJ arrested two Chinese spies and, separately, an anti-commie Chinese national named Miles Guo. The spies were bonded out of jail. Guo is still behind bars.

The “system” has been trying to take Trump out since he came down the escalator and announced his candidacy.

“If the president in power can just jail his political opponents, which is what Joe Biden is trying to do tonight, we don’t have a republic anymore. We don’t have the rule of law. We don’t have the Constitution.”
— Sen. Josh Hawley

Don’t be a silly goose. Trump isn’t alone in his persecution. They want you, too. You are the ultimate enemy of the state. You are the target.

Biden’s evil myrmidons in the DOJ happily harass innocent pro-lifers. They’ve locked up peaceful J6ers (and turned a blind eye to BLM and their non-binary siblings as they torched the nation). Whether you have realized it or not, you are already living under tyranny. The Constitution means nothing to America’s tyrants.

Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.
— Leventi Beria, Director of the Cheka, or Soviet secret police

The “system” fears Trump and his MAGA followers. They abhor Christianity. They know these patriotic Americans — and their respect for the Constitution — are the final hurdle before they hand the keys of America to the globalists looking to enslave us.

“Let us once and for all root out the seeds of individual ambition. Let us smash any manifestation of anti-party groupism, put an end to efforts to destroy party discipline, in whatever form these efforts manifest themselves.”
— Leventi Beria

Biden and his lickspittle cowards in the Pravda press and DOJ conveniently indicted Trump on the very same day the Oversight Committee lowered the boom on just one of Biden’s “alleged” bribery schemes. New York City’s largest AM radio stations are blaring news stories about Trump’s indictment every 11 minutes today, but I’ve yet to hear a word about the smoking gun document the FBI handed over to the Oversight Committee yesterday, under threat of being held in contempt. I’m sure the timing was a “coincidence.”


If you want to know how this can end up, read COVID-19 The Great Reset by global toilet person Klaus Schwab.

Like previous tyrants, Schwab couldn’t control his megalomania and was kind enough to write a book detailing his evil intentions. Send this book to your green-haired, trans-pansexual sister-in-law who is currently giggling over Trump’s recent indictment. She’ll be in a gulag as well.

Persecuting Trump — the GOP front-runner in the 2024 election — while ignoring Biden’s not-so-secret bribery schemes is the sort of work undertaken by communists, Nazis, and Banana Republics. And doing it openly is a not-so-thinly-veiled threat against you and me.

Whether you like Trump or not, you need to take a serious look at what the “system” is doing to him. They are trying to imprison him on blatherskite. Drooling leftards cheer for Trump’s persecution just as loudly as uncivilized people did in ancient times as their “enemies” were burned to death.

The globalists plan to enslave us by 2030. That’s six and a half years from now. How old will your kids or grandkids be? How will you tell them you did nothing to prevent their subjugation? Your “I didn’t think it could happen here” excuse will ooze cowardice.

Related: It’s Mao’Clock, Time to Wake Up Your Normie Neighbors


Something you can do today — right now — to make a difference is to become a PJ Media VIP Member. We here are PJ Media are under assault by Maoists who hate free speech.

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Then write your Rep. and Senators and tell them how you feel about living under Biden’s authoritarianism.

Your current government hates you, and they will turn your life upside down. History proves this.

Related: Seven Simple Things YOU Can Do TODAY to Fight the Bolshie Threat to Our Nation

Seven years from now, in 2030, I plan to be BBQing steak, sipping bourbon, and reveling in our victory over the communists. What are your plans?


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