Air Force Service Members With the Hardest Jobs Getting a Pay Cut. But Ukraine's Military Got $54 Billion?

Alastair Grant

Testing parachutes for the U.S. Air Force is about to get a little less rewarding.

Air Force service members facing the most difficult (and sometimes dangerous) jobs are getting a pay cut. Each will lose between $75-$450 per month, or $900-$5400 per year, depending on the job.


Special Duty Assignment Pay, also known as SDAP, is extra pay “to compensate enlisted service members who serve in duties which are extremely difficult,” according to the 2023 Fiscal Budget Estimate report.

The pay cuts will go into effect at the beginning of the next fiscal year on October 1, 2022.

FACT-O-RAMA! The Biden administration has sent tens of billion of dollars to Ukraine’s military so far this year.

According to the budget report, 44 special duty (SD) assignments workers are facing a pay cut, including but not limited to;

  • Defense couriers
  • Enlisted airmen who work with special government agencies
  • Combat controllers
  • Pararescue operators
  • Nuclear enterprise airmen
  • Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) operators
  • Enlisted pilots and weapons directors
  • Parachute instructors and those with the test parachute program

SD pay is for enlisted personnel who meet these requirements:

1. Be in pay grade E-3 or above
2. Be on active duty and entitled to basic pay, or, for reservists performing
inactive duty training (IDT), be entitled to “drill pay”;
3. Have completed any special schooling or on-the-job training (OJT)
required for the special duty assignment/specialty [Note: OJT has to be at
least as long as the school’s course of instruction and must result in the
the member being fully qualified for the assignment/specialty];
4. Have been certified (and recertified annually) as qualified for and are
actually serving in the special duty assignments or specialties in either a
permanent duty or temporary duty status; and
5. Meet any other eligibility criteria set by the military service of the member.


This is yet another slap in the face to our armed forces, compliments of the Biden administration. Last month, the Pentagon released financial guidance for their soldiers struggling with Biden’s punishing inflation. This included suggesting the service personnel apply for food stamps. Yet somehow we have a blank check for Ukraine’s military.

RELATED: Appalling: Struggling Soldiers Told to Apply for Food Stamps as Biden Sends Billions for Ukraine Military

I wonder why that is?



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