The Victimy Left Has a New Phrase to Describe Sane People: 'Stochastic Terrorist'

AP Photo/Armando Franca

I was sitting at our tiki bar, enjoying a glass of Bluff Spring bourbon, which our lovely friend Jodi in Kentucky sent us, reminiscing about the good ole days when believing that an 11-year-old boy isn’t mature enough to have his penis lopped off was a sign of sanity, not terrorism. “Stochastic terrorism,” to be exact.


It’s a word I’ve seen used twice now against conservatives, so I thought I’d better look it up, lest I find myself accused of being a “stochastic terrorist,” which it appears I clearly am in the eyes of the woke crybabies who seem to be making all the rules lately.


stochastic terrorism
[ stuh-kas-tik ter-uh-riz-uhm ]
the public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted: The lone-wolf attack was apparently influenced by the rhetoric of stochastic terrorism.

Here’s an example: Libs of TikTok does nothing more than share what far-left wackos have already posted, including Boston Children’s Hospital’s videos about gender-changing operations for kids. Voilá! Here comes that spanking new term for normal people, “stochastic terrorism.”

That means if I were to write an article entitled “The Left Is Willfully Blind to Transgender Attacks on Kids,” and soon after a father randomly punched a man in a dress taking pictures of his little girl on a public toilet, I am a “stochastic terrorist” whether the dad read my article or not.


FACT-O-RAMA! Anti-trans violence makes up only 2.7% of bias crimes. The trans crowd isn’t being singled out for violence. I’ve written about that too. Don’t tell them; they love to play victim while raking in the privileges of being trans. I wrote about THAT as well.

We conservatives are being called “militia violent extremists” (MVE) for hoisting a Betsy Ross flag. We are labeled “domestic terrorists” for attending school board meetings. Now we are “stochastic terrorists” because we publicly denounce mutilating pre-teens with medicine or scalpels.

I remember the trans crowd whining that “words are violence,” meaning that if we dared disagree with the insecure lambs, we were somehow guilty of “violence” because refusing to play cray-cray is akin to punching someone. In other words, play along or shut up.

FACT-O-RAMA! No one cares if you’re trans. We just don’t want it shoved down our throats. We don’t scream, “I’m straight, now someone applaud.” We also don’t want men competing against women. It’s unfair. Finally, we don’t want you to convince our 12-year-old to cut off his penis to be cool. Now live your best life and allow us to do the same.

Today, disagreeing with the trans crowd isn’t just “violence”; it’s terrorism. It’s yet another step toward keeping us quiet as the far left convinces younger and younger kids to “change their gender.”


Look at this nutball. The victim card runs deep with this one. Apparently, he/she/zhim/pan/zee thinks there are “trans camps.”

Silly goose, those are “COVID-19 camps.” I wrote about those too. In New York, Gov. Kathy Hochul wanted her pal Mary T. Bassett, the public health commissioner, to have the ability to send anyone to a camp, anytime, for any reason, even if the person isn’t sick. You know, like Stalin Australia did.

I wrote about that as well (forgive the vomitous self-promotion today): Tyranny Denied! New York Dems Can No Longer Send Anyone, Anytime, to a ‘COVID Camp‘. Here’s a sample:

According to court documents, Rule 2.13 suggests “[t]he commissioner has unfettered discretion to issue a quarantine or isolation for anyone, even if there is no evidence that person is infected or a carrier of the disease. Further, the commissioner sets the terms, duration, and location of the detention, not an independent magistrate.”

However, there has been an update.


Histrionics aside, the trans person in the second tweet is either lying or stupidly wrong. There is no “epidemic of violence” against the trans crowd, and if New York’s commie governor can have anyone sent to a camp, you can bet your box of men’s tampons it won’t be a trans person. It’s way more likely to be a right-leaning “stochastic terrorist.”


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