Shocker! Woman Told She Couldn't Have Children Gives Birth—4 Weeks After Learning She's Pregnant


You have heard the stories: “Woman gives birth who didn’t even know she was pregnant!” I never understood how anyone could not know she was pregnant. Your stomach grows, not to mention the fact that your baby is moving around inside of you!


Apparently it has happened again to Udona and Chuck Hebert. The couple was married in 1995 and for 20 years they tried to conceive but were told that they could not have children. The doctors claimed that Udona’s body “naturally aborted” embryos and that it wasn’t “in the cards” for them.

After a while the couple accepted that their dreams of becoming parents were shattered. “We were both really bummed, of course. Chuck was so good with kids and I knew he would be amazing as a dad, so it has always upset me,” said Udona. The couple learned to fill the void by hosting exchange students.

In November, Udona started feeling little flutters in her stomach. “It sounds silly, but I thought I had some form of cancer or infection. I didn’t tell anyone about my ailment because I didn’t want Chuck to make a fuss over me. I prayed every night, in silent prayer, that I would get better….It never even crossed my mind that I was pregnant.”


But in January, Udona started having cramping, dizziness, and horrible stomach pains which she feared were cancer-related. Friends and family suggested a pregnancy test to make sure, and it came out positive! She had no idea that she was pregnant—and only four weeks away from her actual due date. She told People, “It was unexpected, because we tried for 20 years. But it was the best surprise we could have ever gotten.”

On February 15, only four weeks from learning she was pregnant, Brooks Major Hebert arrived safe and sound into the world. How she didn’t know she had a baby growing inside of her is beyond me, but I’m happy for them nonetheless!




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