
About Those 'Bomb Threats...'

AP Photo/Paul Vernon

So you know how former President Donald Trump and his running mate, Senator J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), were making a big deal about the impact of about 20,000 Haitian migrants being dumped into the town of Springfield, Ohio?

How these people were supposedly (now evidently confirmed true) eating local cats, dogs, and birds?

And then somehow, as soon as Trump and Vance started talking about it, a whole bunch of bomb threats came in?

The Democrat media complex, undoubtedly with no small amount of salivating at the chance to blame Trump and Vance for "spreading false rumors about Haitian immigrants," dutifully covered these incidents at hospitals and schools.

Unsurprisingly, these threats turned out to be faker than Trump's conviction up in New York back at the end of May (and boy does that feel like an eternity ago).

Ohio Governor Mark DeWine (R-Ohio) gave a press conference not too long ago, where he revealed that all 33 "bomb threats" were not only fraudulent but were apparently made by "people overseas."

"I want to say to the parents in Springfield these threats have all been hoaxes. None of them have panned out. We have people, unfortunately, overseas who are taking these actions," said Gov. DeWine.

He did not specify where these fake bomb threats were coming from, but the important thing to know is that they are indeed fake.

Trump War Room tweeted this in response:

Come on, Trump War Room, you know the media will never apologize for this. They will just sweep it under the rug or continue to push the narrative that Trump and Vance's "dangerous rhetoric" against the poor widdle Haitians who are eating cats and dogs inspired bomb threats.

After all, it is not like they have stopped pushing other lies about Trump and Vance even after they were proven false. The one that immediately comes to mind is the whole "bloodbath" debacle back in March, but you can pretty much go all the way back to 2015, ever since Le Bad Orange Man came down that golden escalator, to see every falsehood the mainstream media continues to report as fact to this very day.

On top of that, they are still insisting that Trump had both attempts on his life in the span of weeks coming to him, as my PJ Media friends have been writing in the wake of yesterday's events, when some Ukraine-loving, Kamala-supporting, Trump-hating weirdo decided to take potshots at Le Bad Orange Man because of Trump's "dangerous rhetoric."

In fact, FBI counterterrorism agent Tim Clemente just explained how this insane hatred of Trump in the media and by leftist politicians is likely what made this Ryan Routh loser do it in the first place, as written by our ceaseless Matt Margolis.

"I would think we're going to find that this guy is extremely politically motivated and that he probably was spurred on by much of the political diatribes that are going on these days. Talking about Trump equating him to Hitler and things like that," Clemente said.


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