
DHS Loses Nearly 300,000 Border Children

AP Photo/Gregory Bull

Yes, you read that headline correctly.

The Department of Homeland (In)Security (DHS) recently released a report from Inspector General Joseph Cuffari suggesting that 291,000 unaccompanied children (UCs) have effectively vanished after being caught at the border.

More specifically, 291,000 unaccompanied minors failed to receive Notices to Appear (NTAs), the document that gives them a court date for their asylum claims, and were released anyway.

According to the report:

"These issues occurred, in part, because ICE does not have an automated process for sharing information internally between the Office of the Principal Legal Advisor (OPLA) and ERO, and externally with stakeholders, such as HHS and the Department of Justice (DOJ), regarding UCs who do not appear in immigration court. Additionally, ICE ERO has not developed a formal policy or process to follow up on UCs who did not appear in court, has limited oversight for monitoring UCs, and faced resource limitations."

And somehow, it took you guys until now to notice this was a problem?

Now we have nearly 300,000 illegal alien children in this country who came in unattended, mind you, and DHS has no idea where they are. It churns my stomach to think what might have happened to them, especially since the border crossing itself is unkind to women and children.

I briefly mentioned this at the end of May in a piece about something else. Rep. Kat Cammack (R-Fla.) described how she met an unaccompanied alien child who was gang-raped at nine years old by cartel members, and traffickers literally send kids across the border multiple times to make it easier for migrants to enter because people with kids are given preferential treatment at the border.

And that is just one example.

I do not wish to look up more, but think about this: Back in September, my friend Catherine Salgado wrote about Robert Kennedy, Jr. talking about the humanitarian crisis that is the border under Kamala Harris and Joe Biden's handlers, where he said 85,000 unaccompanied minors were missing after being let into the country.

If this new report is any indication, the real number is about three and a half times larger.

Keep in mind, too, that this is the same administration that chastised Donald Trump for losing 545 children caught at the border. Border Czar Kamala Harris pretended to scold him for that way back in 2020:

Not to mention the fact that Biden's handlers got rid of DNA testing at the border to make sure that the people accompanying kids were, you know, actually relatives and not human traffickers — which a third of them were found to be.

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I think we all agree that letting single military-aged males into the country is how the left intends to remain in power forever by using them as a permanent underclass of voters. But what feasible benefit does it grant them to let children be trafficked into the United States? Do they expect them to grow up and vote Democrat?

Maybe Trump should look into who buys these kids once he returns to office.


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