
Air Force Veterans Allege National Children's Hospital Transitioned Son Behind Their Backs

AP Photo/Armando Franca

This story is actually a bit older than it sounds, as it was first reported in May by a local news outlet, but like every story that makes the left's sacred cows look bad, it has  been circulating only on right-leaning websites like the Daily Wire and most recently the Post Millennial ever since.

An anonymous couple, both Air Force veterans, are suing  Children's National Hospital for severe misconduct perpetrated by the hospital's "non-binary" chaplain, Lavender Kelley, who is friends with Admiral Richard "Rachel" Levine, whom you may remember as being a big proponent of child transitioning surgery (small world, isn't it?).

The couple admitted their autistic 16-year-old son to the hospital at some point in 2021, apparently for a self-harm incident. By November, the son was placed in foster care, evidently because Kelley groomed him into being transgender and his parents refused to play along.

The parents have not seen their now 19-year-old son since.

But hold on, it gets better -- which, of course, means worse.

The staff, presumably led by Kelley, actually told the parents that if they wanted to see their son again, they would have to denounce their faith as Baptists or modify it to be more "accommodating" to this new identity foisted upon the kid at the "recommendation" of Kelley.

Yes, really.

I am pretty sure that is called "extortion."

The parents deny that their son was ever feeling "gender dysphoria" (which we have noted multiple times before is something kids grow out of) and allege the hospital staff denied them access to the therapist they preferred to have see their son.

Apparently, the kid has been living with Kelley, his groomer, after the person who initially took the son and who had assault charges (not against the son) somehow died under "unexplained circumstances."

That first foster parent was also Kelley's friend.

To quote the Post Millennial:

In their lawsuit, they detailed how their son, while living with the first foster parent, "wound up being tested for sexually transmitted diseases, displayed on social media… in provocative poses, and eventually in the hospital for a suicide attempt" in 2022. The family says their son was dressed as a girl in public social media posts.

I am not one to jump to conclusions, but that sounds very suspiciously like there was a lot of unsavory stuff going on wherever the son was living.

The family has had to sell their home and their business to fund this lawsuit.

But what is truly the worst thing about this story is that it is not the first, and will probably not be the last.

Back in the beginning of May, I wrote about a detransitioner named Emily Schmidt claiming that she was encouraged to transition by her school and that trans propaganda like "Lily and Dunkin" was available.

Just a week after, I wrote about the harrowing story of Sheila Bucher, whose adopted daughter Ann was encouraged to transition behind her back at school and was hospitalized eight times for self-harm incidents, including a time when Ann gave herself a Glasgow grin.

People need to be held accountable.


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